Hello all,

As discussed in previous threads we will try to stabilize the SVN so
packagers can do their work on a more solid base. So let's try to make
the SVN more stable during this week and let's stop doing new feature
during this weekend, doing bug fixes and testing instead.


   If you have a massive change that would change all the repository
and is still untested, please wait until next Monday or do it as a
compile/runtime time option and leave it disabled until Monday. If
possible, take a look at "Active Tickets"
(http://trac.enlightenment.org/e/report/1) and validate (close if now
invalid!) or try to fix a couple of them.  Running valgrind, gdb and
memprof are good things to do this week ;-)

   Thursday night I'll commit a FEATURE-LOCKED to svn trunk and we
expect that after that commit we just do fixes. Sunday night I'll
remove that file and that commit will be tagged in SVN. Packagers will
build on that tag.


   Please update your SVN checkouts and try to update daily and
report issues to mail list and also as tickets. We want to know what
is broken so we can fix it, bear in mind that developers do not use
all existent options and combination of them, so corner cases may show
here and there. REPORT!   If you want to help with development but
have no coding skills, please go to"Active Tickets" and try to
reproduce problems, if not possible ask the reporter to check it again
and if not reproducible anymore to close the ticket.

Willing to help testing? You can do:

  - compare expedite benchmarks on the same system, tell us if you
see regressions.
  - check memory usage.
  - check if dialogs work properly.
  - create a dummy user and start with a clean profile, try to
configure the system the way you want, see if it's possible (good way
to test if dialogs work properly).

   - http://trac.enlightenment.org/e/wiki/ReleaseSchedule  other freeze dates
   - http://trac.enlightenment.org/e/wiki/Release tasks to do before
alpha release
   - http://trac.enlightenment.org/e/wiki/TestingPlan  how to test
(needs contributions!)


Gustavo Sverzut Barbieri
http://profusion.mobi embedded systems
MSN: barbi...@gmail.com
Skype: gsbarbieri
Mobile: +55 (19) 9225-2202

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