no need to write such a huge mail... it's being removed for good. But
functionality is not going away, nice guys are working on dbus-based
replacement, to be loaded as optional module (so those like you can
load and be happy).

the replacement provides a shell script around dbus-send and accepts
the same parameters as enlightenment_remote

On Thu, Oct 1, 2009 at 3:04 AM, Joe(theWordy)Philbrook <> wrote:
> It would appear that on Sep 30, P Purkayastha did say:
>> Well, I am not so sure that the script is of much use
>> now. enlightenment_remote has been "retired" and now things are being
>> moved over to dbus based commands. The current enlightenment_remote is
>> just a scripted wrapper to dbus and supports only a small subset of
>> the commands of the earlier enlightenment_remote.
>> That said, feel free to forward the link,- it will remain as long as
>> google does not remove it.
> Now I'm depressed. I originally found enlightenment because when it began
> to seem inevitable that (yuck) kde4 was going to grind kde3 under it's
> treads I started looking for an alternative. Then I found a review of
> enlightenment (that was based I think on e16) that mentioned it could be
> configured to run almost exclusively with the keyboard. Since I have great
> personal difficulty with pointing devices I then started looking into if I
> could get enlightenment via the various package management systems of the
> linux versions I currently run (Sabayon [gentoo based], Kubuntu [debian
> based], & OpenSuSE ) And after I was able to install e16 on ALL THREE I
> started to try to learn to live with it. As soon as I discovered how easy
> it was to edit ~/.e16/bindings.cfg to get my primary user interface all
> configured without resorting to the pain generating rodent, I feel in love
> with it. I wasn't real happy with the gui tools I had to use to configure
> the rest of it, but they were no more painful than kde4 had become, and
> since the keybindings themselves were quick and easy to set-up, I felt like
> I could make the other configuration changes a little at a time, which
> helped avoid over stressing my wrists...
> I thought I was happy again. Then I discovered that there was a newer
> version of enlightenment in the works called E17. I thought, "Oh NO!
> Did I just jump out of kde4's frying pan to land in another skillet?"
> I feared that this e17 would sooner or later do to e16 what kde4 is doing
> to kde3. So I thought I better check it out to see if I was going to have
> to keep an eye out for yet another Window Manager/Desktop Environment, Or
> could I really afford to get hooked on 'E'.
> My first look at e17 wasn't encouraging until some nice person introduced
> me to enlightenment_remote AND a marvelous script that made it relatively
> easy to use called (thanks again ppurka) And I began to
> believe that I could afford to get used to the up and coming version of
> enlightenment. Now It's almost as rare that I use e16 as that I would load
> kde anymore. Especially since the new kde4 versions of some of the programs
> I'm addicted to cause it to lock up more often than e17 (I hate it when I've
> got several different kinds of documents open, some with unsaved changes,
> and something suddenly causes the gui to stop listening to either the
> keyboard or the mouse...)
> But now you tell me that they are in the process of throwing away the only
> keyboard based configuration tool there is...
>  ---------<({ whimper, sniffle, ARGGHA!, sigh, whimper... })>---------
> You know I don't mind things being designed to make things easier for point
> n click methods, (some of it is a good thing) But I get really frustrated
> when the programmers don't bother to include good keyboard support.
> Especially when it used to be there.
> I don't suppose this dbus stuff is scriptable in any meaningful human
> readable way... (IE by someone who isn't a source code programmer)
> Or to put it another way, Who do I gotta kill to get them to keep something
> like enlightenment_remote around, even if it's really just a wrapper
> written to keep as many things scriptable as possible...
> [rant-mode]
> Otherwise is there a way to convince them to make the gui more keyboard
> friendly. (Yeah I know it's *_usually_* possible to use the tab, arrow, and
> enter keys. But I've noticed that it's not easy to see where the enter
> key's "focus" is. {Except when it's inside an editable text field.} IE to
> use the "alarm" gadget to set a quick one time reminder, I first have to
> fight with the mouse long enough to give it a right click, WHICH, if I'm
> lucky enough to be able to let go of the mouse without the pointer
> winding up inside the pop-up menu, AND if I didn't accidentally hold
> the click too long so that the pop-up disappears when I release the mouse
> button... Then I can use the keyboard to select 'add an alarm...' At which
> point it takes 2 tabs to reach the alarm name field, the next tab gets me
> the description field. The next two tabs are for the time sliders which
> can be moved with arrows (God how I wish I could just type the time into
> the text display window next to the sliders...) Then it's a clue how
> painful the gui is for a keyboard centric user that I actually know it
> takes 10 more tabs to get to where I could type in the date, But at that
> point I'm only one tab away from the today button (two from the one I
> need to set an alarm for tomorrow) then another 4 tabs away from the ok
> button, (3 if counting from the tomorrow button) I know how many tabs it
> takes because I sure can't see which button, checkbox, or radio selection
> would be made by tapping either the enter key or the spacebar without
> blindly tapping on the enter key or spacebar to see what changes... God
> forbid that I should get interrupted and lose count. Cause then I have to
> tab, squint at the three editable text fields to see of that skinny
> cursor line has appeared yet, and keep tabbing till I know where it is, so
> that I can again count the tabs to the button (etc...) I want.
> I hate to borrow from Microsoft, But I suspect they stole the idea from
> somebody else anyway... Why can't the label for each field, button,
> etc...  have an underscored letter that in combination with the alt key
> will select the appropriate button, field, etc... so that navigating the
> gui with the keyboard wouldn't be so much of a pain???
> [/rant-mode]
> Seriously though, I thank you again for your kindness. And
> even if it's days are numbered. Actually, though, the good news is that the
> fact that I'm dependent on distro-based package management (and associated
> repos) means that it will probably be a while before the versions of e17
> I wind up with will have done away with enlightenment_remote...
> --
> |
> |    ^^^   ^^^
> |    <o>   <o>       Joe (theWordy) Philbrook
> |        ^   `            J(tWdy)P
> |       ___            <<>>
> |      '   `
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Gustavo Sverzut Barbieri embedded systems
Skype: gsbarbieri
Mobile: +55 (19) 9225-2202

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