On Sat, Feb 19, 2011 at 2:33 AM, Marc Koschewski <m...@osknowledge.org> wrote:
> I would like to come back to this again. Is the 'Lock on suspend' checkbox 
> just
> making E17 be locked when I ue the 'Suspend' item from the 'System' menu or is
> is meant to actually _catch_ an ACPI event or something?
> Is there any commandline I could use to lock E17 so I could add that to the
> acpid rules? I actually don't want to use the xlock, xlockmore, ... stuff.

you posted earlier that your buttons are grayed out -- i believe you
need dbus-python bindings to be installed, at least that seemed to fix
it on my netbook.  you can lock the screen by pinging e17 via dbus, eg

dbus-send --dest=org.enlightenment.wm.service
/org/enlightenment/wm/RemoteObject org.enlightenment.wm.Desktop.Lock

there are probably other ways.  your FN+F4 is just a regular
keybinding AFAIK, that is calling a sleep script... this script will
have to implement whatever actions you want it to do.  also look at:


or wherever you have it installed; that file will tell you what E17
will try to do when the `Suspend` button is pressed from E -- note
however, this is orthogonal to whatever FN+F4 is doing.

C Anthony

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