Hi... i do compile all e17 svn77668 versión.
with some modules to add more beauty hte last commits..
and all was fine from 2 days ago.
today I just apt-ed installed some packages nothing any libs about E from
repo..just others stuff..
and when i reboot today the laptop, entrances appears ok... but when i try
to logging do the error animation .. in the choose select desktop to Inn
where you decide GDM or E,... the list is empty
i just have E....
what I do?.. well.. i guess.. to recompile again 'E' so...

make clean distclean
./autogen.sh --prefix=/usr/local
sudo make install
sudo ldconfig
(like i do before)
and all was fine but entrance continues can't use enlightenmnet_start, and
the list is empty yet.
maybe some ENV_VARS was unset.. ??
what i can do to can restore the login?

thanxs in advance

Antonio Peña
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