Hi all,

Just upgraded my EFL to 1.7.8 and Enlightenment itself to 1.7.4.  Everything
seems to run OK except for one thing:  I cannot boot into the desktop without
first removing ~/.e.

If I remove .e then I after login, I can go through the initial setup/config,
apply a theme, and all is well.  After I reboot, though, when I login it hangs
at the background picture with a mouse cursor.  I then have to CTRL+ALT+F2,
login, delete ~/.e and kill enlightenment, and then I can login, but have to
setup everything again.  At first, I thought it was an issue with the theme I
was using, so I tested with the default enlightenment, but it still does this
out of the box.

Clearly it is annoying to have to wipe out the .e directory.  I am still such a
newbie at Enlightenment that I am not sure what or why is causing this.

Any assistance is appreciated.
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