Hi Dale,
Thanks for your response.  That took care of it.  I wonder what would have
caused that, as I didn't have issues before.  I'm a bit fond of the
eye-candy, though it is trivial.

On Wed, Sep 11, 2013 at 5:29 PM, Dale Snell <ddsn...@frontier.com> wrote:

> On Wed, 11 Sep 2013 17:09:01 -0400
> Justin Rosander <justinrosan...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > Hello,
> > I am using Debian 7 and have installed enlightement 0.17.4.  After
> > installing, I can log in fine.  When I reboot and try logging in again, X
> > hangs and all I see is a mouse cursor; enlightenment seems to be running
> > when I switch to a term doing Ctrl+Alt+F1 and do 'ps -A'.  If I remove
> the
> > '.e' file from my home folder and try logging in after that, the login
> > works fine.  But when I reboot, the whole thing starts over again.
> > Any suggestions?
> The simplest thing is probably to disable the login splash screen.  If
> you're logged in to Enlightenment, open the Settings panel (or menu
> item) and go to Look => Startup.  There you can unselect "Show Splash
> Screen on Login".  You can do the same thing in the setup wizard if
> you have to re-install Enlightenment.
> Hope this helps.
> --Dale
> --
> "I haven't lost my mind -- it's backed up on mag tape somewhere."
>     -- Peter da Silva
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