Did you recompile forecasts after you built e18? It works here when I do

Make sure you are using e18.2 for the suspend issue ton be resolved. Pretty
sure there was something in the change log about that.

~Jeff Hoogland
Bodhi Linux - http://www.bodhilinux.com/
On Dec 28, 2013 8:06 AM, "Mick" <michaelkintz...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi All,
> Thanks for e18 which I have now installed on my main gentoo desktop and can
> test it more thoroughly.
> I'm running it on a laptop with 1st generation i7 CPU and Radeon HD4670
> with
> the open source radeon driver:
>   product: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7 CPU       Q 720  @ 1.60GHz
>   product: RV730/M96-XT [Mobility Radeon HD 4670]
> When I first started it up I noticed that it had switched composite to
> software, but switching it back to OpenGL had no problems and the windows
> became smoother and faster.  I'm guessing this was a safe default on a
> first
> run, or is there more science into it?
> With kmail, gkrellm and a few gadgets running top shows:
> enlightenment   %CPU=5.9   %MEM=2.4
> while composing this message.  The CPU jumps from 3.6% up to 7.6%, but
> switching between windows causes it to jump up to 14.5%.
> When playing video on say 1/4 of the screen top shows this:
> enlightenment   %CPU=18.5   %MEM=2.4
> mplayer                 %CPU=10.5   %MEM=0.6
> The e18 %CPU goes up to 28% at times and no less than 17%, while mplayer is
> pretty much stable and won't go above 12%.  Is this to be expected for my
> hardware, or should I be tweaking any settings?  I'm thinking this can be a
> problem when running on battery.
> A question on modules:  forecasts and tclock have depedencies on older
> 1.7.9
> libraries and won't load.  Are these going to be updated to be compatible
> with
> e18?
> This went really bad.  It suspended seemingly OK, but when waking up it
> hang
> showing a black screen with a small mouse icon on it.  The mouse was locked
> and so was the keyboard.  After a few seconds the fan notched up a gear.
>  With
> a locked keyboard I was unable to recover from this and I had to hard
> reboot -
> not nice.  On a laptop this is a functionality that will certainly miss!
>  Is
> this a known problem with e18 and how can I overcome it?
> Thanks again to all who have contributed to e18!  :-)
> --
> Regards,
> Mick
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