
I have a laptop which I'd like to use with external monitors in dual head
mode. At work I put my laptop to a docking station, and it connects to a
monitor with output "DP1". Before going home I suspend the laptop, and at
home I connect it to my monitor with output "HDMI2".

I have 2x3 virtual desktops on both heads with lots of windows open, and
when I wake my laptop up from suspend all of the windows go to the first
virtual desktop of the internal screen. This sucks.

Obviously I'd like to keep the windows on their original desktops no matter
what output I use (everything is fullHD btw). This seems to be impossible to
do with E19. 

I've tried adding a virtual output (VIRTUAL1) to "keep" my external windows
when the other outputs are changing, but this does not work reliably. I've
tried to edit the e_randr.cfg files and disable the automatic reconnection
of the DP1 and HDMI2 outputs, so I could do everything I want with a script,
but this way my windows still keep going in the wrong way sometimes.

So, can E19 do what I'd like to see? Or can I disable everything randr
related without recompiling E?

Thanks, B

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