
tl;dr, links:

For the non lazy:
For a while now I've been maintaining github mirrors for the efl, 
elementary and enlightenment, and Boris has been maintaining a mirror of 
terminology. The e* mirrors are updated once an hour, and the 
terminology mirror is updated by Boris on every push he makes.

I know some people prefer using the github interface over the cgit/phab 
one, and I know some people don't have commit access to the 
enlightenment git and enjoy hosting their work on github before 
submitting upstream. This move is meant to make all of this easier.
Also, if you'd like your work to show in your github contributions map, 
all you need to do is star or fork the repo (only then does github 
update the contribution list).

This is not an official mirror. We are not migrating to github. Don't 
report bugs there. Don't create pull requests. Phab is still king.


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