On 05/14/2016 07:39 PM, Conrad Knight wrote:
> I seem to have run into a conflict with efl, enlightenment, and nvidia
> GLX libraries, and i'm not sure where the problem lies. While running
> E-0.20.6, or E-0.21-beta, any windows opened have completely black
> contents. The window decorations are fine, and E's menus, etc. appear
> normally. But if i open a settings window from the menu, it's black.
> Terminology is likewise completely black. There are error messages in
> my .xsession-errors:
> ERR<11215>:evas-gl_x11 modules/evas/engines/gl_x11/evas_engine.c:2783
> eng_image_native_set() GLX Pixmap create fail
> This does not occur if i switch my glx libraries to the Intel ones for
> this laptop. It also does not occur if i run terminology under another
> window manager. The nvidia drivers appear to be working correctly
> otherwise (i can run Steam games that depend on glx 1.4, for
> instance).
> I've tried recompiling efl, and enlightenment, to no avail. Would
> anyone have any suggestions what to try next? :)
> TIA,
> -Conrad.

I have had this problem since the last two or three nvidia driver 
updates on Arch Linux.

I know it is not a real solution but the only thing I found that worked 
for me was change to software rendering in the settings for compositing.


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