Mick ha scritto il 19/03/2017 alle 13:23:
> On Sunday 19 Mar 2017 09:44:23 Massimo Maiurana wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I finally bought a brand new laptop :)
>> Of course I installed E, building from source as I've always did but I
>> have two problems to solve.
>> The first is regarding acpi events: closing lid the laptop should
>> suspend, and indeed it is what happens under gnome (there also lid open
>> resumes it) but does not happen under E. Acpid is not installed so
>> probably that's what I need, but I wonder why it works in gnome.
> I don't run gnome, but from a more generic perspective you will need to 
> install acpid and make sure it is running as a service when you boot up.  
> Closing the lid then generates an event captured by acpid which by default 
> will suspend to ram.  Check what you have at Settings > Settings Panel > 
> Input 
>> ACPI Bindings > Lid Closed.  I have set mine to 'Suspend Intelligently' and 
> it works as advertised.

Hmh, well, i'm not sure acpid is required for this to work. I think
acpid is for managing acpi events, not for exposing them, or lid close
wouldn't work even under other environments. I'll try installing it and
see if it solves the problem.

>> The second is about icons: Applications menu is full populated with all
>> applications, including my own in ~/.local/share/applications, but only
>> 3 of them have an icon associated (a custom of mine, gnome-font-viewer
>> and the E filemanager). Also, much more annoying, evry doesn't list
>> desktop applications in the list that appears when I start typing, only
>> executables and directories are listed.
> Settings > Settings Panel > Menu Settings > Applications, should give you 
> some 
> options.  One of these ought to make all/most application icons to show up.  
> Also check Settings > Settings Panel > Menu Settings > Miscellaneous, does 
> not 
> have 'Disable icons in menus' selected.

I DO have applications in menu, my problem is not that. What I miss is
icons for applications, but for that three applications mentioned above
that have an icon in their own menu entry. If "disable icons" was
checked I wouldn't have any icon neither for those three ;)

Also, as said, I don't have applications displayed in evry.
E.g. on the other laptop if I type "ice" in evry I see the icedove icon
and so I can launch that application; I also see the icedove binary but
can distinguish between them because the application starts with a
capital letter and also displays an icon. In this laptop if i type "ice"
I see only the icedove executable, not the application.

Other example: I have a custom application named "Bpiol", which executes
a binary called "launcher_linux.bat". If I type "bp" I don't see the
application, and because the executable doesn't have the same name I
don't see nothing. But evry displays menu categories as dirs, so if I
browse that dirs I can reach any application including "Bpiol".

> To configure Everything, check your settings under Settings > Settings Panel 
> > 
> Launcher.
> HTH  :-)
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Massimo Maiurana
Ragusa (RG)

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