On Thu, 26 Mar 2020 22:08:52 +0100 (CET)
Peter Koellner <pe...@asgalon.net> wrote:

> Just a side note to add some outlying viewpoint:  I changed from
> debian to devuan a year ago specifically to get rid of systemd. The
> reason for this was more of a philosophical than technical nature. I
> also tried some bsd flavours a short time ago which had some driver
> related problems of their own on the laptop, and of course systemd
> does not exist there either because it is not a unix standard but
> linux-specific. So in my opinion it is perfectly fine to offer
> systemd support as an option, but making it a prerequisite would
> narrow users choices. I have not been able to build a current version
> of enlightenment for a long time now for other dependency problems
> and the available packages are outdated and not really suited for
> production use for my work environment, so for now I have switched to
> devuan with xfce, keeping terminology as my standard terminal. I am
> leasurely monitoring the situation and do make a few tests from time
> to time to see where to go next.
> regards
>    Peter


Currently using enlightenment on Gentoo without systemd.

This is what I currently have installed along with use flags.

emerge -vp efl

These are the packages that would be merged, in order:

Calculating dependencies... done!
[ebuild   R    ] dev-libs/efl-1.23.3::gentoo  USE="X dds drm eet
examples fbcon fontconfig gif gles2 glib gnutls gstreamer harfbuzz
hyphen ibus jpeg2k libressl luajit nls pdf pulseaudio scim sdl sound
ssl svg system-lz4 tga tiff webp xcf xim xine xpm -bmp -connman -debug
-doc -elogind -fribidi -ico -json -lua -mono -opengl -physics -pmaps
-postscript -psd -raw -static-libs -systemd -tgv -tslib -unwind -v4l
-vlc -vnc -wayland -xpresent -zeroconf" 0 KiB

emerge -vp enlightenment

These are the packages that would be merged, in order:

Calculating dependencies... done!
[ebuild   R    ] x11-wm/enlightenment-0.23.1:0.17/0.23.1::gentoo
USE="acpi bluetooth nls pam udisks -connman -doc -geolocation
(-packagekit) -systemd -wayland -wifi -xwayland" 0 KiB

NO systemd but using openrc and xorg-server.

Have not come across any problems and finding it very stable.

You may require a particular usage as I'm just a desktop user.

Note - I have tried wayland session but never got this to work so still
using xorg. I guess this is where systemd comes in. Perhaps. My
knowledge of this is not good.


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