On Fri, 1 May 2020 19:39:53 -0700 Marc MERLIN <marc_...@merlins.org> said:

> Ok, I have a pretty confusing situation. I've spent hours on it and
> gotten nowhere.
> After playing with dpi settings and font sizes on a 4K laptop, I'm
> trying to get the perfect font that isn't too small and not too big, but
> that's actually an issue in both height and width. 
> Obviously you'd think they're linked, if you change one, the other one
> changes too.
> Except, in gnome-terminal, if I choose "dejavu sans mono" size 8 with a
> dpi of 130, it's a bit too big.
> Size 7 is the right height, but exactly as wide as 8.
> and size 6 is more narrow but also too small (height)
> In other words, 8 to 7 only changes height when I'd like height and
> width, and going from 7 to 6 changes both but now they're too small.
> Ok, life is tough, move on.
> Except, one day, I took my font 8, typed Ctrl - , and OMG, it does the
> right thing, the height is as high as font 7, but the width also becomes
> more narrow (narrower than font 7) and is perfect, just what I want.
> Now, I have no idea how to get that font on purpose with gnome-terminal
> by saving it as a default size, and same thing with terminology, I can
> only get the equivalent of font 8 or 7 (although it's 12/13 in
> terminology)
> 12 is the correct height, but too wide.
> 11 is the correct width, but not high enough
> I guess gnome-terminal has some random magic that made the font narrower
> just like I needed it, but only with CTRL - and I can't replicate it
> with anything else.
> Here is a picture:
> http://marc.merlins.org/tmp/3terms.jpg
> top is gnome-terminal in size 7
> middle is ghome-terminal in size 8 but with CTRL - aka goldylocks
> bottom is terminology size 11, correct width but not high enough
> Any idea what I can do to get terminology (or gnome-terminal) to shrink
> a font in width only if the height/width combined changes don't work
> like I need to?
> On the plus side, terminology gets a point for packing the fonts closer
> in height, so I get more lines compared to gnome-terminal for the exact
> same font size.

terminology will only offer 12 or 13. evas only offers integer font size. if
its a fractional size that by luck happens to have something round up/down to
just the size you want - it's by luck, but that's just not supported. the
entire evas font engine plumbing takes integer font sizes only and that's not
going to change. You can try other mono fonts. I spent white a while looking
for mono fonts that behave well and hint well and size just how I like.

i eventually found the best font is my original bitmap font i drew like 25+
years ago, but if i want scaling, i have to compromise so:

nexus (bitmap 6x10 thus no scaling) <- clearest
Hack (Bold) @ 8
Source Code Pro (Bold) @ 10 

The last 2 are scalable thus will scale up based on scaling factor in elm/e.
But really you probably have to go on a journey of downloading a lot of fonts
and trying them out until one fits just right. :)

------------- Codito, ergo sum - "I code, therefore I am" --------------
Carsten Haitzler - ras...@rasterman.com

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