
I like the Application Theme and I use Plata Noir, but there are some
applications I want to exclude.

For example, I use seamonkey for sites that have problems with my
regular Vivaldi, but if I don't change the Application Theme to
something like Adwaita, the display is black and I can't read it.

I would be happy if I could selectively apply the Application Theme,
but is this possible?

Thanks in advance.

┏━━┓彡 野宮  賢                         mail-to: nomiya @ galaxy.dti.ne.jp
┗━━┛       "The question of who holds the platform and whether the person
               or organisation holding it is trustworthy has serious and 
               implications in these volatile times. Once trust is broken, it is
               extremely difficult to restore. It is necessary to diversify in

                                                        -- Financial Times --

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