
I'm using .e, which still has iBox-like behaviour, but it's starting
to behave more and more like an iBar, so I thought I'd configure a new
.e and see what happens.
I'm using the latest version of efl and enlightenment provided by
openSUSE (probably the git state-of-the-art), with e16.
 $ mv .e e.orig

and logged into enlightenment, configured .e according to the
guidelines and registered the applications in shelf as before.

When using it with this, the phenomenon of the work area blinking
while working in the terminal or in Emacs occurred frequently, and I
investigated various things, but could not find the trigger and cause,
so I entered e16 and did the following.

 $ cp -rp .e.orig .e

and logged in to enloghtenment again, the blinking phenomenon disappeared.

Is this a phenomenon unique to me?

I would like to add that the reconfigured e. does indeed improve the
usability of the iconified apps, but the fact that the shelf is
bloated with the icons of multiple running apps is making me think.
In other words, since I am using it with multiple apps running all the
time ...

Regards & Good Night.

┏━━┓彡 野宮  賢                         mail-to: nomiya @ galaxy.dti.ne.jp
┗━━┛       "The question of who holds the platform and whether the person
               or organisation holding it is trustworthy has serious and 
               implications in these volatile times. Once trust is broken, it is
               extremely difficult to restore. It is necessary to diversify in

                                                        -- Financial Times --

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