
In the Message; 

  Subject    : Re: [e-users] enlightenment audio default device issue
  Message-ID : <303eb230-672a-f45f-6a95-a1a52038b...@gmail.com>
  Date & Time: Sat, 25 Feb 2023 09:51:01 +0100

[MM] == Massimo Maiurana <maiur...@gmail.com> has written:

MM> Masaru Nomiya ha scritto il 25/02/23 alle 09:23:
MM> > Hello,
MM> > 
MM> > In the Message;
MM> > 
MM> >    Subject    : Re: [e-users] enlightenment audio default device issue
MM> >    Message-ID : <de0ab31d-5bfe-9a26-182c-51931a658...@gmail.com>
MM> >    Date & Time: Sat, 25 Feb 2023 08:55:20 +0100
MM> > 
MM> > [MM] == Massimo Maiurana <maiur...@gmail.com> has written:
MM> > 
MM> > MM>  Masaru Nomiya ha scritto il 25/02/23 alle 01:29:
MM> > 
MM> > [...]
MM> > MN>> How do you run unload/reload?
MM> > 
MM> > MM>  I just go to the modules dialog (Menu/settings/modules), select
MM> > MM>  the mixer module, click on unload and then on load (maybe in
MM> > MM>  english they are named differently).
MM> > 
MM> > MM>  It looks to me like the pipewire server execution needs a bit of
MM> > MM>  extra time so after e starts it's not already available;
MM> > MM>  reloading it after e is up and running make the module find it,
MM> > MM>  and since i don't reboot frequently i can live with it :)
MM> > 
MM> > Usually, the usage in Linux is as follows;
MM> > 
MM> >    $ systemctl --user daemon-reload
MM> >    $ systemctl --user start pipewire pipewire-pulse wireplumber
MM> > 
MM> > It is essential to start the pipewire daemon.

MM> The daemons are running of course, if they weren't running the mixer module
MM> wouldn't find them not even after reload.

How do you know the daemon is running?

If the daemon is running, it should work with doing this;

   $ systemctl --user start pipewire pipewire-pulse wireplumber

What Distro are you using?


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