This just happened again this morning for about 40 messages...

Only this (Enterprise) and the TB-Planning lists are affected, I haven't
noticed any from the regular Mozilla-Support list.

On 9/20/2016 10:46 PM, Andrew J. Buehler <> wrote:
> Hash: SHA512
> On 2016-09-16 at 08:11, Nicholas Blew wrote:
>> Can confirm this is happening here as well, and I get only a daily 
>> digest.
>> In a single digest, I'll see 2 or 3 copies of the same message, so
>> I believe this is a list issue, not client-related at all.
> That's interesting and fairly odd, because the duplicate messages do
> _not_ appear to be showing up in the list's online archives. I would
> expect that anything which would prevent them from showing up there
> would also prevent them from appearing in the digest mails.
> That said, the problem seems as if it may have stopped happening; I
> haven't gotten any new duplicates in the past couple of days, so far as
> I'm aware. Now that traffic has picked back up again, we'll see if the
> problem recurs, but it may have been a one-off matter.
> - -- 
>   Andrew J. Buehler

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