to clarify: WS 2008 is Vista based.  WS2008r2 is W7 based.

On Thu, Jun 1, 2017 at 9:25 AM, Benjamin Smedberg <>

> Mozilla decided not to support 64-bit on desktop versions of windows less
> than version 7. I don't think we made an explicit decision about Windows
> server 2008, but since it based on the windows vista codebase, I suspect
> that it is not a supported install target for the 64-bit builds.
> firefox.exe is marked as requiring windows subsystem 6.01 [1], but it
> appears that server 2008 is marked as subsystem 6.01 instead of 6.00 (which
> is vista), so I may be a bit confused.
> If this is a crash, then a crash dump would be the most appropriate way to
> determine what to do next. Since the Mozilla crash reporter isn't catching
> this, you'll have to collect a minidump using native tools: either a
> debugger or using the instructions at
> com/chaun/2013/11/12/steps-to-catch-a-simple-crash-dump-of-
> a-crashing-process/
> --BDS
> [1] "Bump the
> minimum subsystem version to 6.01 on win64"
> On Wed, May 24, 2017 at 9:46 AM, Stosch, Juergen (Allianz Technology) <
>> wrote:
>> Dear all,
>> we are facing the problem here that since we switched from 32bit to the
>> 64bit version of Firefox with ESR Version 52 that it crashes right after
>> the start of Firefox when running on Windows Server 2008 R2. We do have
>> Firefox there as an AppV 5 package running (as published app) on a RDS
>> machine. Our VDI machines do have another Windows version and provide true
>> Win7 clients where the same package runs fine. It seems just to be the
>> 64bit version which has got an issue with Server 2008 R2. If I try the
>> 32bit version on the same server it also runs fine. But I’m not happy on
>> stepping back down from 64bit to 32bit again. Anyone got any idea on how to
>> resolve this or is this a known issue to Mozilla after all?
>> [image: cid:image003.png@01D2BE94.9A717610]
>> Mit freundlichen Grüßen / Kind Regards
>> J. Stosch
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