On 3/30/2021, 10:59:49 PM, Paul Kosinski via Enterprise
<enterprise@mozilla.org> wrote:
> On Tue, 30 Mar 2021 16:54:13 -0400
> Tanstaafl <tansta...@libertytrek.org> wrote:
>> That said - chromium is in no way 'Google', other than, yes, some
>> google engineers contribute to the codebase.

> Then why does Chromium's default home page have a Gmail link, a 
> Google Apps button (which brings up > all the Google services icons),
> etc. -- in my Version 89.0.4389.72 openSUSE Build for Linux 64-bit >
> at least? (And why did I see some reference somewhere to a de-Googled
> Chromium?)

Sorry, my bad... I said 'chromium', lowercase - I meant the chromium engine.

The Chromium official browser may have some different things packaged
with it, but it isn't from Google, and I do believe you can remove
everything google if you want.

Dunno - I'm happy with Brave for now...
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