Hi Fred

Thanks for your email, wish I had seen the CompuServe forum about two weeks
ago, it would have saved me a couple of hours. I got my entourage to send
and receive emails on my broadband quite easily as I had seen a comment
about SMTP having to be set to the ISP I am using. But when I went back next
door to my neighbours the dial up would not connect, failed on
authentication. When I tried a 'free-dial up' the modem connected
immediately and all worked ok, so came to conclusion that was a good 'Plan
B' !!  Not going to bother now making it work as in the new year she is
going to go onto broadband, I am on TalkTalk and have been really pleased
with it as a package, whereas she wants to go onto Tesco - but when I
compared the deals there is no comparison - TalkTalk is a much better deal!!

Thanks and regards

On 11/12/08 06:20, "Fred J. Heumann" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> For what it's worth, I've been a Compuserve user since before the internet,
> and indeed still am.  [I started on a Tandy Model 100 notebook at 300bps...]
> I still access Compuserve everyday using Entourage via broadband, but not
> via their network.
> If your neighbor wants to use broadband and retain her Compuserve account,
> it works fine.  I realize that may not be the issue exactly, but it is an
> option.
> There certainly aren't many folks still using Classic Compuserve, and even
> fewer Mac users, but the service is still going, and very dependable.  There
> are still Classic user forums available at;
> http://community.compuserve.com/n/pfx/forum.aspx?webtag=ws-cssoftware
> There are a few Mac users there, and all are very helpful.
> Blessings,
> Fred
> On 11/30/08 2:48 PM, "Stephen Duxbury - Prestset" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> wrote:
>> Hi William
>> I have also read quite a lot or web pages and had quite a few phone calls to
>> CompuServe!! It was authentication to CompuServe on the dial up, I had made
>> the email work fine on my computer next door on my TalkTalk connection!!
>> In the end I have come to the conclusion that the dial-up is not going to
>> work on 10.3.9 (it needs a script to make it work) we were on classic
>> CompuServe and not 2000 so didn't have the programme working directly on
>> CompuServe. I have gone down the route of a free dial up for now which
>> worked first time, and then had to set the SMTP for that dial up on the
>> sending of email and it worked straight away!! I had spent too long long
>> already trying to make the dial up work. My long term plan is to put my
>> neighbour onto broadband and also change her off CompuServe!!
>> Regards
>> Stephen 
>> On 30/11/08 14:57, "William Smith" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>> On Friday 11/28/08 6:05 PM, "Stephen Duxbury - Prestset"
>>> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>>> Ok so to my questions as I am now getting rusty with these old settings!!
>>>> It dials, does the hand shake but fails on authentication??
>>>> On the old system it used a 'script' to connect the emails - the tech guy I
>>>> spoke to talked about using a script, but of course he had no Mac
>>>> knowledge.
>>>> On the PPP options I can see 'script' but its greyed out and cant seem to
>>>> make it available?
>>> Hi Stephen!
>>> What is telling you that authentication is failing? The connection to the
>>> ISP or Entourage?
>>> Are you using Entourage to trigger the connection or are you connecting
>>> first and then using Entourage to send/receive?
>>> Entourage itself doesn't use any scripts but your computer does use a
>>> connection script to prepare the modem for dialing. The script simply tells
>>> the modem to prepare itself for a certain speed and then to dial a specific
>>> telephone number.
>>> The connection process can be triggered by Entourage because it is a network
>>> application and when your computer senses it making a network query then it
>>> will initiate a connection.
Stephen Duxbury
Prestset Bureau, Bethel Hall, Morton Lane, East Morton, Keighley BD20  5UE
Telephone 01274 518299  Fax 01274 568038  Mobile 07970 555158  Skype

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