Lampung Coast Information Systems Launched
A little over one year after its launching in late 1999, Lampung Coastal
Atlas, which contained snapshots of information on biophysical, social,
economic, culture, and institutions, has undergone its first revision and

The Lampung Coastal Atlas was a collaboration work between Proyek Pesisir,
Center for Coastal and Marine Resources Studies (CCMRS/PKSPL-IPB), Lampung
Provincial Government, and the Lampung Coast stakeholders. The Atlas was the
first coastal atlas ever published in Indonesia and had been utilized as
basis information for the development of Strategic Plan for Lampung Coast
Management. The Atlas has become a prototype and has been replicated by 5
(five) other provinces namely Java North Coast - West Java, Bali, NTB,
Kendari Bay, and Riau.

The changing nature of the coastal dynamics has prompted to the
ever-changing coastal information. On the contrary, updating printed
materials required a significant amount of time. To avoid the updated
information of Lampung Coast becomes obsolete as soon as it is printed,
Proyek Pesisir and CCMRS developed an information software: Lampung Coast
Information System, a GIS designed specifically for Lampung Coast. The
System is user-friendly so that updating and editing the coastal information
can be done in a snap.

In relation to the development of the Lampung Coast Information System,
Proyek Pesisir, CCMRS, and BAPPEDA Provinsi Lampung conducted a Visual Basic
training for the updating of the Information System for Lampung Province on
15 to 26 January 2001. The training was aimed to build capacity for the
government institution involved in Lampung coastal management through
knowledge sharing on the information and the software developed. The
training attended by 22 participants came from Provincial Bappeda, six
Kabupaten/Kota Bappeda, Bapedalda, Dinas Kelautan dan Perikanan, and
Balitbangda Lampung. It is hoped that after the training, the participant
would be able to update and spread the information further to those involved
in the coastal management.

For further information on the Lampung Coast Information Systems software
and the training please contact:
CRMP Lampung
Jl. Sutan Syahrir No. 4
Tel. 62 721 250984
Bandar Lampung

Courtesy of NRM Headline News

Sherry Suryantie Hairulsyah

LEAD Indonesia
Jl. Tebet Raya 88
Jakarta 12820

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