Kapan salah satu kota besar di Indonesia mendeklarasikan ZeroWaste?

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Subject: Toronto declares Zero Waste by 2010
Date: Thu, 1 Feb 2001 09:43:59 -0500

For your information.

Ali Khan (C4, Canada)

Toronto (the largest city in Canada) has now formally come out and declared
itself Zero Waste by 2010!!!   Many different political influences dictate
the move which runs counter to last fall's failed attempt to ship Toronto
garbage to an abandoned mine in Northern Ontario.  Time will tell as to what
programs and actions will be taken to move Toronto into that direction.
Target Zero Canada will keep you abreast of all developments in Toronto and

City of Toronto
Task Force 2010 seeks made-in-Toronto solutions for waste

TORONTO, Jan. 29 /CNW/ - Vowing to find ways to take care of our own
waste, Toronto Mayor Mel Lastman today announced Task Force 2010 to consult
with the people of Toronto and recommend a comprehensive waste diversion
to Toronto City Council by June 2001.
"We need a plan which everyone can buy into so that, by 2010 all our
waste will be recycled, reused or composted," said Mayor Lastman. "Task
2010 must find a made-in-Toronto solution that demonstrates leadership in
waste diversion strategies and new solutions for the twenty-first century
move beyond the landfilling of garbage."
Mayor Lastman also announced that veteran Councillor Betty Disero, Chair
of the Works Committee, will co-chair Task Force 2010. "I am also asking all

members of Toronto City Council to participate in the activities of the task


"There will be some tough choices for Toronto to make but at the end of
the day, we must become a leader in North America by dealing with this
challenge head on," said Councillor Disero.

In 2000, Toronto households created 920,000 tonnes of waste or about one
tonne per household. Seventy-six per cent was sent to land fill and 24 per
cent was recycled, composted or re-used. The goal of Task Force 2010 is 30
cent diversion by 2003, 60 per cent by 2006 and 100 per cent by 2010.
Task Force 2010 will consult broadly with citizens and environmental
organizations and with the environmental industry. The task force also has
plans to open discussions with senior levels of government and the private

"We are saying that Toronto will take the lead, but we're also saying
that everyone needs to participate," said Councillor Disero.
For further information regarding Task Force 2010, visit the City of
Toronto Web site at  <http://www.city.toronto.on.ca/>

For further information: Media Contacts: Councillor Betty Disero,
(416) 392-7011; Angelos Bacopoulos, Solid Waste Management Services,
(416) 392-8831
CITY OF TORONTO has 633 releases in this database.

Jed Goldberg
Earth Day Canada

296 Richmond Street West
Suite 500
Toronto  ON  M5V 1X2

voice - (416) 599-1991 ex 111
fax - (416) 599-3100

web - www.earthday.ca <http://www.earthday.ca/>
         www.ecokids.earthday.ca <http://www.ecokids.earthday.ca/>
         www.targetzerocanada.org <http://www.targetzerocanada.org/>

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