
Ini ada lembaga di New Zealand yang ingin bekerjasama dalam bidang enersi
yang dapat diperbaharui, sistem bioenergi dan pengentasan kemiskinan. Jika
ada yang ingin kontak silahkan langsung. Mudah-mudahan bermanfaat.



> -----Original Message-----
> Sent: Thursday, March 29, 2001 8:14 AM
> Subject:      Looking for counterparts in Indonesia for a poverty
> alleviaiton project
> Hi Tony,
> I am writing to see if you can give me some guidance in finding partners
> or
> organisations in Indonesia that might be interested in participating in a
> project aimed at using renewable energy and improved bioenergy systems for
> poverty alleviation and community development.
> I thought since you work with local authorites and communities that you
> might have good insights into who might find this topic of interest.
> The New Zealand government has a fund to support poverty alleviation
> projects in Asia, and I would like to focus on Indonesia if a compatible
> host country partner can be identified.
> If you have any suggestions or interests in this type of work please by
> all
> means let me know.
> Kind regards
> Andrew
> Andrew Cohen
> Senior Scientist for Climate Change Mitigation
> Climate Change and Energy Programme
> New Zealand Forest Research Institute
> Sala Street, Private Bag 3020
> Rotorua, New Zealand
> home phone - 64+07-350-1011
> work phone - 64+07-343-5647

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