On Mon, 2 Apr 2001 11:27:47 +0100 Chris Percival <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>Hey guys,
>Here is the proposal for the e-mail avalanche.   
>> -- please distribute this eMail widely --
>> >Stop President Bush from betraying the UN climate change treaty!
>> Last year the US blocked progress at negotiations in The Netherlands,
>> now Texas oil-man President George W. Bush wants to destroy the Kyoto
>> Protocol on climate change.
>> Friends of the Earth asks people around the world to electronically
>> flood the White House with protest E-mails.
>> Let's give President Bush a taste of what climate change means and how
>> much people are concerned about it.
>> =========================
>> Please cut and paste the message below into a new E-mail and
>> send it to:
>> Please CC to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>> or go to www.foeeurope.org/climate
>> =========================
>> Dear President Bush,
>> I call on you as President of the USA not to betray the Kyoto
>> Protocol.
>> The United States must live up to its commitment to the UN
>> negotiations
>> to prevent global warming. Sabotaging the Kyoto Protocol puts the USA
>> into a position of environmental isolationism and makes it responsible
>> for climate catastrophe.
>> The US has the highest per capita CO2 emissions in the world. People
>> around the world already faced with the first signs of climate change,
>> suffering from floods and hurricanes, expect your country to be in the
>> forefront of tackling climate change.
>> An enormous potential of creativity, innovation and
>> efficiency is there
>> to be harvested once we have decided to really reduce CO2 emission. If
>> you fail to reverse your decision to kill the Kyoto Protocol, future
>> generations will not forgive you.
>> President Bush, the science is proven and the international political
>> will is there to tackle climate change. The US must join the
>> progressive
>> nations and tackle climate change.
>> Sincerely,
>> X
>> =====================
>> Background:
>> - Bush's campaign for presidency was backed and financed by
>> major US oil
>> giants, which campaigned against the international treaty to prevent
>> global warming.
>> - The US promised to cut their climate changing gases by 7% over 1990
>> levels before 2012 at the latest, but US emissions in fact
>> rose by more
>> than 10% between 1990 and 2000.
>> - A White House spokesman said: "The president has been
>> unequivocal. He
>> does not support the Kyoto treaty." The Swedish Environment Minister
>> described the move as "appalling and provocative".
>> For more information visit http://www.foeeurope.org/climate
>> or e-mail  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>> The Climate Team @ Friends of the Earth
>> --
>> Email President Bush ! - Save the Climate Treaty !
>> --
>> Howard Mollett
>> Friends of the Earth Europe
>> Press and Information
>> Rue Blanche 29
>> Brussels, B-1060, Belgium
>> Tel: 32 2 542 01 89
>> Fax: 32 2 537 55 96
>> Friends of the Earth Europe, the European branch of Friends of
>> the Earth International (FoEI), is a network of 31 independent,
>> national environmental organisations in 30 European countries.
>> FoEE is the largest environmental network in Europe working
>> at grassroots level with over 3000 local chapters.
>> > George W. Bush Car Bumper Sticker TM

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