> From: "Bharati & Sunder" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: more news, etc
> Date: Fri, 29 Jun 2001 20:41:11 +0530
> dear all,
> more news on various development projects worldwide, upcoming, =
> conferences, etc.
> rgds,
> sunder, c8, india
> _________________________________________________________________
>  =20
> Development Partners Commend Cook Islands on Reform-Driven Economic =
> Recovery and Commitment to Equitable and Sustainable Growth, MANILA, =
> PHILIPPINES (25 June 2001) - Cook Islands Prime Minister, Honourable Dr. =
> Terepai Maoate, reviewed the country's impressive economic recovery =
> during the Third Consultative Group Meeting for the Cook Islands at =
> Rarotonga on 22 June 2001. He also updated the Cook Islands' development =
> partners on the comprehensive implementation of economic reforms that =
> have enabled the country to respond successfully to the dire financial =
> and economic crisis that faced the nation in 1995-1996. The meeting was =
> hosted by the Cook Islands Government and co-chaired by the Asian =
> Development Bank's Director of Pacific Operations, Mr. Basudev Dahal. =
> Participants at the meeting included representatives from Australia, the =
> People's Republic of China, Japan, New Zealand, and the United States. =
> Also represented were the Asian Development Bank (ADB), the Economic and =
> Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific, the European Commission, the =
> Food and Agriculture Organization, the Pacific Financial Technical =
> Assistance Centre, the Pacific Islands Development Program, the Pacific =
> Islands Forum Secretariat, the South Pacific Regional Environment =
> Programme, the United Nations Development Programme, and the World =
> Health Organization. Representatives of the Cook Islands private sector =
> and non-government organizations also participated.
>  =20
> The Prime Minister's statement clearly outlined the Government's =
> continued commitment to a process of economic reform and strengthening =
> of the private sector. The Government also indicated that there were =
> areas where the reform process may have gone too far. This applied in =
> particular to the downsizing of government where shortages of qualified =
> staff are apparent and require corrective action. The development =
> partners offered technical assistance and training support to assist the =
> Government in these areas. Specific mention was made that the success of =
> the Cook Island reforms- in restoring macroeconomic stability and =
> returning the country to its long-term growth path - would be =
> encouraging to other Pacific developing nations. A private sector =
> representative from the Cook Islands confirmed that the economic reform =
> process, which includes significant public-private dialogue, has had =
> positive long-term benefits for the economy.
> =20
> The government was encouraged to complete the devolution of appropriate =
> authority and responsibilities to outer island local governments. The =
> Government expressed its intentions to complete the process in tandem =
> with institutional strengthening that will be required to ensure =
> accountability and effective management of resources. The government was =
> also encouraged in its announced efforts to strengthen health, education =
> and human resource development. The donors focused considerable =
> attention on outer islands development and pledged targeted support to =
> the Government's initiatives to redress disparities of services, =
> infrastructure and economic opportunities within the Cook Islands. ADB =
> announced its intention to support an Outer Islands Trust Fund, while =
> the European Commission indicated that their new assistance programme =
> may be directed toward outer islands development in general and in =
> particular may include a direct contribution to the proposed Outer =
> Islands Trust Fund.
>  =20
> Development partners assured the Prime Minister of continued support for =
> economic and sustainable development. There was also support for the =
> Government's announced policy initiative to seek membership in the =
> International Monetary Fund for the express purpose of gaining access to =
> the professional economic monitoring and advice that the Fund provides =
> to member countries. Similarly, the Cook Islands will seek membership in =
> the World Bank to gain access to regionally based technical resources.
> =20
> The need for continued coordination of development partner policies and =
> programs was re-emphasized. The development partners and the Cook =
> Islands agreed that the Consultative Group process, of which this =
> meeting was the third since 1996, has proven valuable as a means to =
> mobilize and coordinate effectively the development partners' assistance =
> to the Cook Islands and it should continue on a periodic basis.
> -----------------
> =20
> ADB Launches A$500 Million Public Bond Issue, MANILA, PHILIPPINES (22 =
> June 2001) - The Asian Development Bank launched a A$500 million public =
> bond issue in the Australian domestic bond market today through a =
> syndicate headed by Commonwealth Bank of Australia and UBS Warburg. The =
> syndicate group consists of Deutsche Bank and RBC Dominion Securities as =
> co-managers. The bond issue, with a coupon rate of 6.25 percent per =
> annum payable semiannually and a maturity date of 15 June 2011, was =
> priced at 99.411 percent to yield 47 basis points over the 5.75 percent =
> Commonwealth Government Bond which was due 15 June 2001. The transaction =
> is the ADB's third borrowing in the Australian dollar domestic bond =
> market. The bonds will be listed on the Australian Stock Exchange and =
> settled through the domestic clearing system "Austraclear".
> =20
> At 10 years, this is the longest maturity deal launched thus far by a =
> supranational entity. The issue marks another step towards ADB's =
> long-term objective of building its yield curve in the Australian dollar =
> bond market. In total, ADB plans to borrow $3.4 billion equivalent in =
> 2001/2002. The entire principal amount of A$500 million has been swapped =
> into US dollar floating rate liability under related currency liability =
> swap transactions, the proceeds of which will be included in the =
> ordinary capital resources of the ADB and used in its non-concessional =
> operations.=20
> =3D
>  =20
> The following projects have been approved by the=20
>  =20
> WASHINGTON, June 28, 2001 The following projects were approved today by =
> the World Bank's Board.=20
>  =20
> CREDIT AMOUNT: IDA US$35 million=20
> TERMS: Grace period =3D 10 years; Maturity =3D 40 years=20
> PROJECT DESCRIPTION: This second phase of the Health Sector Reform =
> adaptable program loan (APL2) continues a successful, results-driven =
> approach to investing in the reduction of infant mortality in Bolivia, =
> particularly among the most disadvantaged communities. APL2 has the same =
> objectives as the project's first phase (APL1): i) increase coverage and =
> quality of health services and related programs that would improve the =
> health of the population, and to empower communities to improve their =
> health status, and ii) to strengthen local capacity to respond to health =
> needs.=20
>  =20
> LOAN AMOUNT: IBRD US$50 million=20
> TERMS: Grace period=3D5 years; maturity=3D20 years=20
> PROJECT DESCRIPTION: The project will support further rapid development =
> of a more efficient and responsive agricultural sector, the principles =
> of which are enunciated in the government's medium-term program. The =
> loan will support further comprehensive reform of agricultural sector =
> policies. Reforms will occur in the areas of land markets, cereals =
> markets, agriculture enterprise privatization, irrigation institutions =
> and legislation, agricultural subsidies and finance, trade and =
> regulations and forest policy. The reforms will enhance market =
> development and increase enterprise competitiveness. This will improve =
> income earning opportunities for rural producers, contribute to rural =
> employment generation, and help raise rural living standards.=20
>  =20
> LOAN AMOUNT: IBRD US$25 million=20
> TERMS: Grace period =3D 5 years; Maturity =3D 17 years=20
> LOAN AMOUNT: IBRD US$15.5 million=20
> TERMS: Grace period =3D 3 years; Maturity =3D 10.5 years=20
> PROJECT DESCRIPTION: The Caribbean program aims to assist countries =
> seeking to contain the spread of HIV/AIDS by reducing transmission among =
> high risk groups and educating the general population; to help people =
> living with HIV/AIDS receive care that is effective, affordable and =
> equitable within the context of the government's health policy; and to =
> strengthen the institutional capacity to respond to HIV/AIDS in a =
> sustainable way. In the Dominican Republic and in Barbados the World =
> Bank loans will finance activities largely grouped in three components: =
> 1) Prevention and control of HIV/AIDS transmission; 2) Diagnosis, basic =
> care, and support of individuals affected by HIV/AIDS; and, 3) =
> Management and institutional strengthening.
>  =20
> CREDIT AMOUNT: IDA US$27 million equivalent=20
> TERMS (IDA): Grace period =3D 10 years; Maturity =3D 40 years=20
> PROJECT DESCRIPTION: This project will revitalize the irrigation and =
> drainage infrastructures on an area of about 110,000 hectares in =
> Georgia. The resulting growth in agricultural production will raise the =
> income and secure food supplies for about 80,000 farmers families, =
> representing about 400,000 people. The project is designed as Adaptable =
> Program Credit (APC) for a community development project in support of =
> the first phase of the country's Irrigation and Drainage Revitalization =
> Program. A key element of this 12-year program is to develop farmers' =
> participation in the operation and maintenance of the infrastructures =
> through Amelioration Associations (i.e. community-based organizations =
> for water management)
>  =20
> ****************************
>  =20
> Development Conference on Debt Relief, Helsinki, 17-18 August 2001 - The =
> WIDER conference will review what is presently known about the =
> relationship between debt, development, and poverty reduction, and will =
> assess the state of progress on debt relief, and its implications for =
> the relationship between aid donors and recipient countries. Papers on =
> any aspect of the debt relief issue will be considered, including =
> cross-country studies and country studies.=20
>  =20
> CHANGE, TUESDAY 10 JULY 7/6/2001 - It is one year before we mark the =
> 10th anniversary of the Earth Summit and a year before the international =
> community, led by the United Nations, asks how the world can finance =
> development and put an end to poverty. But global warming caused by =
> industrialised countries now threatens an end to 'development' for =
> others. IN THE RED takes place the week before the next crucial =
> international talks on climate change, and two weeks before rich =
> countries meet once again at the G7 summit to discuss ending Third World =
> Debt.=20
>  =20
> International Conference on Globalization of research and Development: =
> Challenges and Opportunities for Developing Countries, Italy, 11-13 =
> September 2001 - One of the key features influencing the use of new =
> technologies in developing countries is the changing character of =
> research and development (R&D), especially in the industrialized =
> countries. To better understand this process, Harvard University's =
> Center for International Development and Belfer Center for Science and =
> International Affairs is co-organizing with the Third World Academy of =
> Sciences a three-day conference on Globalization of Research and =
> Development: Challenges and Opportunities for Developing Countries. The =
> conference will bring together participants from developed and =
> developing countries drawn from academia, industry, government, civil =
> society and international organizations acting in their personal =
> capacities. The Conference is organized under the auspices of the =
> "Biotechnology and Globalization" Project funded by the Rockefeller =
> Foundation.
>  =20
> Corporate Social Responsibility, London, 9th July 2001 - A major =
> conference on corporate social responsibility is to be held by The =
> Guardian & The Observer on 9 July 2001 in London. The one day event, =
> supported by Lattice Group and Business in the Community, will look at =
> what the CSR boundaries should be between business, government and =
> stakeholders. Among other things, it will ask whether companies should =
> be expected to take on more responsibility for social and environmental =
> issues at a time when governments have retreated from areas which used =
> to be regarded as the natural domain of the state.
> =20
> International Conference on NGO Poverty Reduction in China, Beijing, =
> October 28-30, 2001 - Organised by the China Foundation for Poverty =
> Alleviation, the International Conference on NGO Poverty Reduction in =
> China will be convened between October 28-30 2001 in Beijing. The =
> participants include include NGO representatives and specialists and =
> scholars in poverty reduction from both China and abroad. Co-sponsors =
> are the Asian Development Bank, Ford Foundation, United Nations =
> Development Program and the World Bank
>  =20
> International Youth Conference - International Youth Coordination =
> Council -Nepal is going to organize the International Youth Conference =
> on 4th - 6th,November,2001 at Tigertops,Chitwan,Nepal on =
> Youth,Leadership and Devevelopment :Challenges and opportunities in the =
> 21st Century.=20
> =20
> International Young Professionals Summit, being held 2 - 6 October 2001 =
> at the ANA Hotel, Gold Coast, Australia - The Summit has been designed =
> to bring together young professionals aged 18 - 35 years to develop =
> workable solutions and implement development activities related to its =
> four themes poverty, sustainability, social capital and environment. The =
> Summit organising committee believes that the recent emergence of =
> youth-driven and innovative ways of thinking about these issues sets the =
> scene for greater (and necessary) international co-operation to =
> eliminate poverty and enhance social capital, reduce environmental =
> destruction and embrace sustainable practices. The International Young =
> Professionals Summit seeks to develop these themes into solutions which =
> will be presented to the 2001 Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting =
> (CHOGM) as recommendations for adoption by governments and corporations =
> to support the broader implementation of action plans developed by =
> delegates.
>  =20

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