Regarding to our 15 months project on Integrated Biodiversiy Strategy and Action Plan 
for Indonesia, we are still seeking for candidates to fill the position of Regional 
Coordinator for Region Kalimantan, Sulawesi and Irian Jaya.  The candidates must meet 
the requirement and qualification mentioned.  Send your application and brief 
information about your organization backgound, its activities held, and brief 
information about general workplan according to the tasks described (understanding 
about the project's objectives is a must).  Send your application to 
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Cc. to [EMAIL PROTECTED]) no more than November 1, 
2001.  The applications must be in plain text.  E-mail with attachment will be deleted 


This position is open to NGOs, universities or companies to provide:
a team of Regional Coordinators in each of Kalimantan, Sulawesi, and Irian. Each 
Regional Coordinator will take day-to-day responsibility for all activities related to 
the national-level IBSAP in the region represented, within the framework and budget 
agreed with the Project Manager.  This will entail the organization of local 
discussion groups, the Regional Workshop for that region, the moderation of listserver 
discussion groups, the identification of participants for the Regional Workshop, 
relations with the media, populating the regional part of the IBSAP website, and 
involvement in any local BSAPs within the region.  The most crucial role of each 
Regional Coordinator is to summarize regional issues and relevant stories/case studies 
for the Lead Writer. 

Qualifications :

  A NGO/university/company with demonstrated management skills and involvement in 
biodiversity conservation will provide the         above people who will have: 

o        A history of, and existing involvement in, biodiversity conservation issues 
in Indonesia, especially in the region to be represented
o        Competent public speaker/meeting facilitator 
o        Competent in English 
o        Demonstrated ability to work with all stakeholders in the biodiversity arena
o        Demonstrated writing skills and experience 
o        Understanding of both the scientific and social areas of biodiversity policy 
and practice
o        Broad respect from the regional/thematic conservation community 
o        Competent in computer skills and prepared to establish and moderate a 
regional listserver under guidance
o        Existing contacts in at least some of the regional media 
o        An excellent knowledge of the region/theme concerned
o        A history of, and existing involvement in, biodiversity conservation issues 
in Indonesia
o        Good social skills

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