Any, thanks. Buat teman-teman, mungkin info terlampir bisa dimanfaatkan.


----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Catharina Any Sulistyowati" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, November 28, 2001 10:25 PM
Subject: PhD Scholarships Amsterdam

Mas Eri,
bisakah disebarluaskan?


Every year, the Amsterdam School for Social science Research 
has Ph.D.
positions (scholarship or appointment as Assistant in Training, AIO)
research in the field of anthropology, sociology, political science or
Asia studies. >From March 2002 onward, scholarships will be 
for PhD research

in Anthropology, Sociology, Political Science (4 positions) and Asia
studies (2 positions). The scholarships are what is called "free",
which means no project description has been drawn up in advance. 
candidates can submit their own proposals, and the best 
will be selected. The ASSR would like to bring to your attention the
possibilities of research within the following research projects: -
Rethinking Politics: Theorizing Democratic Governance. Prof dr M.
Hajer - Collective Action, Labour and Organization in Europe. Prof.dr
J. Visser

Apart from scholarships, candidates always can apply for admission to
the Ph.D. program of the Amsterdam school if they can support

while working on the thesis or if they are supported by external
Ph.D. candidates at the Amsterdam School for Social science Research

to complete their dissertation within a period of four years.

If you wish to apply for a Ph.D. scholarship and participation in the
Ph.D. program of the Amsterdam school, please submit the following
before December 15th, 2001:

* a summary of the reasons you are applying for a Ph.D. research
position and a short description of your present situation and
* a dissertation plan no longer than 1600 words describing the
hypothesis to be defended or refuted and indicating what material is
to be consulted, what theoretical principles are to be utilized, why
the subject is of academic importance and how the dissertation can be
completed in the given period of time; this plan is not binding and
mainly serves to illustrate your ability to plan a research project;
(see for guidelines brochure, Appendix) * a curriculum vitae; * a list
of publications or, if you are a recent graduate, a list of papers you
have written; * your Master's degree examination grades; * one or two
recent articles or for recent graduates, one or two chapters from the
Master's thesis.

Persons educated in a foreign country are eligible to pursue a
doctorate, to participate in the Ph.D. training program and to get an
ASSR Ph.D. position provided that they can be granted exemption from
legal Dutch educational M.A. requirement. If the candidate's foreign
education makes him or her eligible to pursue a Ph.D. degree in the

country, the exemption will be easily obtainable. If this is not the
case, then the candidate must provide proof which satisfies the
Doctorate Board ('College van Promoties') that he or she can be

as capable of the independent pursuit of scholarship. Proof of this

may be provided by a current (university) function, by publications,

so forth.
Before starting an exemption-procedure an aspiring candidate for the
doctor's degree should contact the Amsterdam School.

In addition, have two persons with a Ph.D. in the social sciences or
some related field send letters of recommendation by separate mail to
the ASSR indicating whether you can be expected to complete your
dissertation in four years and the level of the thesis you can be
expected to write (if possible).

If you submit an application, you will receive by return mail a
confirmation of receipt with further information about the schedule.

applications will be submitted to a preliminary screening. The
candidates who are selected will be invited for an interview. If they
stay abroad, their application will be dealt with by the selection
committee in a plenary session. The final decisions will be made

after the interviews and deliberation in the committee.

The application may be written in Dutch or English.

Applications by email or fax will not be considered.

Yours sincerely,

Dr. J.F.M. Sonneveld,
executive director ASSR
Rethinking Politics

prof.dr M. Hajer
Amsterdam School of Social Science Research (ASSR)

Theorizing Democratic Governance
The proj-ect Theorizing Democratic Governance responds to the
question: Which fundamental conception of politics makes sense of the
global shift

of politics and its local variety "since 1989"? The new world

includes the simultaneous return of anarchy and war, the struggle for
and introduction of liberal democracy, and limits to public protection
and control of risks in stable democracies like the Netherlands. It
can be argued that politics is about the linkages among "who is what,
when and how?" (politics of identity, being, dig-nity, expression of
feel-ings); "who decides what, when and how?" (politics of authority,
choice, procedural autonomy, compliance with principles); "who gets
what, when and how?" (distributive politics, having, access to
well-being, pursuit of interests); and "who presents which self, when
and how?" (metapolitics, performing, aesthetics, civil
represen-tation, style). The nation state is a framework of politics
with these dimensions, like mass parties. The internationalizing state
and 'deterritorialized' forms of governance are two emergent
alternative frameworks.

See for further information: http//www.uva-   ????

Geoffrey R.D. Underhill
Afdeling Politicologie/Amsterdam School for Social Science Research
Oudezijds Achterburgwal 237 1012 DL Amsterdam, NL Tel.
+31-(0)20-525-2172/2169 Fax +31-(0)20-525-2086 Home tel/fax
+31-(0)72-581-5213 [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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