At 06:37 PM 11/16/00 -0600, you wrote:
Consider the following combinations that might be used
on an EOS-3 camera:
[1] 300mm f4 canon IS + canon 2X converter
for an effective 600mm f8;
[2] 100-400 canon IS set to 400mm + canon 1.4X
convertor for an effective 560mm f8.
Which will be sharper?
Which will focus faster?
Is there any pracitical difference between the two combinations?
The intended use is for bird photography, specifically spring
migrants, especially warblers. Anyone with experience,
please comment.

I don't have experience with the above, but I have used Canon's 400mm 5.6f L with the 1.4x for year now, and with the 1N it is very quick @ 5.6f and I would recommend this combo over either of the two above if your main goal is sharp bird photo's and not a GP lens like the 100-400.

The EOS 3 will still give you auto focus @ f8 which was another consideration I took into account, but opted for a used 1N.

I feel it was a good choice, even though with the 1.4x attached I am forced to manually focus.  Even without it I find myself using the focus ring for fine adjustments on "flight shots". Easier then having the lens hunt out to the end because it can't focus on a blue sky. 

I passed on this lens (100-400IS) when I was considering a "Bird lens" because of many comparisons I found on the net about the prime still being sharper, and easier to manuver for flight shots.

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