Karen Nakamura wrote:
> True, but if you're taking landscapes without a tripod, well..... to be
> blunt, you're an idiot.
> Also, most landscapes are taken with relatively short focal lengths, thus
> reducing the need and effect of IS.
> For good landscapes:
>   * Good prime
>   * Short focal length
>   * Small aperture, diffraction limited
>   * Less glass (== no IS) == better
>   * Bigger negative (medium/large format) == better
>   * Tripod is a necessity
> Karen

Watch it or your dogma could get run over.<G>  I have often shot
landscapes with out a tripod, for a variety of reasons.  Inability to
find a spot, or spots, to put a trio of legs, inconvenience of lugging a
'pod around, need to shoot quickly.  Be careful of who you call an
idiot, even if unintentionally.  You may find yourself in the position
of shooting a landscape with out a tripod, and wish you had another
option. IS will never completely replace a tripod for me, but every time
I'm out shooting, I find a time when I silently thank the Canon
engineers for developing it.
  Shadowcatcher Imagery
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