Trico wrote:
> Hi all,
> My  name is Trico and i'm from Portugal. I'm a multimedia designer and an
> amateur photographer. My current project is about infrared photography and
> i have a couple of questions:
> I own an EOS 30 (Elan 7e), can i use color infrared film?
> What black and white infrared film will work better on my camera?
> Thanks in advance
> Trico

Any of the current EOS cameras, with the exception of the 1v, will have
fogging problems to some extent with and IR film.  Konika makes a 750nm
"near infrared" film, and Ilford makes one with even less infrared
sensitivity, called SFX.  But neither of these are truly infrared films.
Both Kodak HIE black and white IR and EIR false color IR film will have
some fogging problem.  My wife has shot Kodak black and white IR film
with her ElanII, and had a band about 1-2mm wide at the lower edge of
the frame and the lower right corner fog.  I've never tried color IR in
my A2, just in my 1n, which doesn't have an IR film sensor.  I just
recently started shooting IR, I'm only on my second roll, so if I've
been misinformed as to the sensitivity of color IR, I not only stand to
be corrected, I desire it.
  Shadowcatcher Imagery
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