> I'm a self-same amateur (if you mean amateur as in "beginner" -
> if you don't then don't read on :-)

Hi Mark-

(I'm an amateur in that I don't make my living taking pictures.  But not a
beginner really, as I've been shooting for about 10 years.  But that
doesn't mean I haven't a lot to learn.)

I guess for $280, I should just get the 100-300 USM and shoot a roll or
two and see how I like it.  I just have a feeling all those opinions would
be right.

I think I'll opt out on the 70-200 IS as street price looks to be around
$2,000-2,400 US dollars. And *maybe* 1,700 a few yrs. down the road.

I've got a Winston Cup race this month that I'm going to and would like to
take something other than my 80-200.


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