Kumakichi wrote:
> I take it IS is a top of the line feature then that is gonna really cost
> some money?
> Also is USM a high end feature on only the more expensive Canon lenses?

You can get both on the 75-300 USM IS and 28-135 USM IS for about $500 each.
Not too bad at all for what they do.

IS is mostly found on more expensive lenses, but USM is found on all but
the very cheapest and very oldest lenses in the line (it's so simple that
I bet it's cheaper for them to build). There are 2 kinds of USM - micro 
and ring - micro-USM is on the cheaper lenses (28-80 kit zoom for instance)
and is nicer than the regular lens motors - quieter and faster. Ring USM
is on the better lenses (starting around $300 or so for the 28-105, 24-85,
50/1.4, 85/1.8, 20-35, etc...) and on all the pro lenses (except the
manual focus tilt/shift and the very old 50/1.0 and 85/1.2 I think).
Ring USM is superb - focus is silent unless there is no background noise,
and the lenses jump into focus amazingly quickly (the speed depends
somewhat on the particular lens - the 85/1.8 is nearly instant, some
others I've used are only very fast :-)

USM is a wonderful feature that you HAVE to at least try before you buy
anything. So is IS. The 28-135 IS USM is my everyday lens and it is
very good.

Nikon is years behind Canon on both of these (and they don't have ECF
[eye controlled focus] at all). They are just putting them on the 
expensive pro lenses while they get started.

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