I had the strangest thing happen the other day with my spare BM-E2 (battery magazine for the PB-E2).
I have one EOS 3 w/PB-E2 and two BM-E2's. I was shooting the other day when the batteries went dead. I pulled out a new and never used spare BM-E2 loaded with a set of lithium AA's and got no response. It was as if there were no cells in the magazine. After reinstalling the dead set and getting some response from the camera, I figured out that the problem was with the magazine and not the new batteries. I swapped the new batteries to the older magazine and continued shooting with no problems. When I got home, I checked the magazine and noticed a manufacturing defect. One of the terminals had a plastic cover that prevented the negative pole of the cell from gaining contact. I compared it to the other BM-E2, and it is clear that the problem terminal was installed reversed. A clear manufacturing defect. I sent it off to Canon today. Hopefully they wont give me any grief as the unit is over 9 months old and this was my first time needing to use it. I called Canon to get a shipping address and they rep said that he thought accessories only had a 3 month warranty. Moral, if you have purchased a spare BM-E2, you might what to try it out before you need it. Has anyone else on the list experienced this problem? If you are interested I can send you a picture. Darrell D. * **** ******* *********************************************************** * For list instructions, including unsubscribe, see: * http://www.a1.nl/phomepag/markerink/eos_list.htm ***********************************************************