Chip Louie wrote:
> Hey All,
> This is getting silly!  DEP cannot work if you are busy mucking up the
> exposure!  The whole point of DEP mode is to use the camera's processor to
> set the aperture for the DOF you want, if you change the f/stop DEP cannot
> work, if you change the shutter speed your exposure will more than likely be
> off.  If you need to adjust the exposure use exposure compensation.
> Shifting the exposure in (P)rogram mode allows you to change the shutter or
> aperture values but the EV remains the SAME!  How can shifting the exposure
> work in DEP mode?  It can't!

Hey Chip,

actually, it CAN work with program shift. Let me explain WHY I would very 
much like to have this possibility, which is available with the lower level
bodies like 5, 100 etc anyway. Well, here goes. DOF is not an absolute thing.
It depends on the size of the circle of confusion (CoC) that you use to 
calculate it. Now, DEP mode assumes a certain CoC size, which is around 
0.035mm AFAIK. For my taste, that's too big! I'd prefer to use 0.025mm.
And that's where program shift in DEP mode, AFTER the camera has done its 
thing, would come in handy. Shifting the exposure values to stop down the 
aperture one stop (and increase exposure time accordingly) would decrease
the CoC size by a factor of 1.4, making it about 0.025mm. So if they won't
give me a DEP mode with directly adjustable CoC size, why not at least 
allow me to adjust it manually afterwards? I'll do it anyway, but I have to 
change modes do it. It would just make my life a little easier and it won't
hurt anybody if the DEP program is shiftable.

Thomas Bantel
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