Then why don't you just use manual flash? :)

I am sure many of you expect the camera to work well in E(valuative) mode. 

My point is that is it too much to expect that when you put a flash in auto
mode and the camera in auto mode, you should get somewhat consistent

I actually can't make that claim for film all that much, it works pretty
decently once you understand how it works, and even with auto everything it
worked pretty well for me, but for the digital it just didn't work, and i am
not sure why. Maybe the way D30/60 measuing flash differently? I use it the
same way for both systems.

ps. i kind of resent the implied (you don't know how to use it) comments. I
use flash many many times because i shoot at ballrooms.

> Why?  Conisistent exposures under what conditions?  Often the more
> sophisticated a piece of equipment is, the more you have to know to
> operate it well.  I would never expect a piece of camera equipment to
> do my work for me.  If it did, it wouldn't be my work.  Isn't
> photography about control in response to conditions?
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