On Fri, Aug 20, 2004 at 05:35:51PM -0400, [EMAIL PROTECTED] ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:

> Well, this is what I need from my camera:
> - 8.2 megapixel+


> - 1.3x factor (gives a better quality than 1.6x because of the size
> of the sensor)

I'd like that, but more for wide angle than quality reasons.
Yet, a _good_ really-wide-angle zoom would make 1.6x more
tolerable though; if the 10-22 turns to be good enough,
it will make the 20D very tempting.

I can't help wondering if the 1.3x factor has much future, though. 
At the moment a wide-angle shooter would be better off with either
300D/20D+EFS10-22 or 1Ds+16-35 than with 1DmkII with any lens, and I
really don't think Canon will introduce yet another lens mount or
otherwise lenses that only cover the 1.3x crop.

> - ECF (please, please, please!!!!)

Not critical for me even though I liked that in EOS 5 and 3.

> - Light weather sealing as per EOS-3

Yes. I'd gladly give up the built-in flash for that.
Indeed I'd be willing to pay extra for the heavy-duty 
weather sealing of 1 series.

> - Batteries as per EOS-1D

Nope, I'd prefer same (or compatible) batteries as 10D &co.
In particular I *don't* want non-removable vertical handle.

> - Fast AF system as per EOS-3

Yes!! How good the 20D really is remains to be seen, but
at least it can't handle f/8.

> - Interchangeable focusing screens

Don't care much about that one.

Other stuff from my wish list:

- Faster CF writing (20D may satisfy this)

- Longer bursts _with RAW mode_ (I always shoot raw).

I would also like spot metering, but that's not critical
with digital when bracketing costs nothing, as someone
already noted. There are still situations where it'd 
be nice to have.

Tapani Tarvainen
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