On Wed, Jan 18, 2006 at 10:16:17AM -0800, Chip Louie wrote:
>I prefer to get paid for my efforts.  To get paid I need lenses and

You get paid for this?  How novel!

A couple of nights ago I sicked a jhead|grep|awk against my file server
to tally up the exposure times of all my digital pictures.  It told me
that I've been a digital photographer for almost 6 hours.  Tossing in
the costs of various cameras, lights, lenses, and accessories that I've
bought, I find that being a digital photographer costs me about $2000 an
hour.  To put that cost per hour into a pointless perspective, according
to the local newspaper's police blotter a hooker goes for 2 sacks of

I avoid 3rd party lenses because I know that Canon tries to make them
incompatable, and I'd rather avoid that.  For the most part, Canon has
almost everything I want in their own line, and I feel the L class glass
is far superior to any 3rd party leses.  The third party 6mm fisheye
is about the only lens I want that Canon doesn't come close too.  If I
started going for the super long telephoto I would first try adding a
1.4x or 2.0x teleconverter to my 100-400L, but beyond that I'd probably
venture into the cheaper alternatives than the big white whales (or are
they elephants?)

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