On Tuesday, February 28, 2006, at 10:12 PM, Michael Good wrote:

Speaking of the 500D diopter...

Does anyone know of a good source of information on the compartive
strengths and weaknesses between the basic three choices...

Ie Using diopters vs extension tubes vs dedicated macro lenses.


John Shaw's book, Closeups on Nature is IMHO the best on the subject. He does a nice discussion on what does what and gives the pro's and cons for all three options.

I have the 500D and a 100mm f2.8 for my 300D and I use them both.

In short -

For zoom lenses, diopters are better than extension tubes because it's hard to keep in focus as you zoom.

Dedicated macro lenses are more convenient than extension tubes plus prime lenses, but they work on the same principle and just have the extension built in.

Extension tubes are cheap, and if you have a good prime lens they are a good way to go.

Reversing a lens (a fourth option) allows for extreme close up. And is the main reason I'm keeping my old Konica T3 and lenses.

On my 'to get list' I want to order a set of extension tubes and a step down ring to allow the use of my 500D diopter on my Tamron 70-210.


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