On Aug 22, 2007, at 7:37 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

The "sample" shots on the Fong website of course look wonderful. It
appears to me the "before" shots were done with the flash at max
output, then the diffuser put on and flash output correctly set. Not
saying Mr. Fong is being dishonest, but this is sure one add on that
looks like a great idea, but falls short in practice.

Here is the link to the Gary Fong site about the "Puffer".


Gary Fong has had at least two other similar contraptions previously for hot-shoe mounted flash, Peter K. on this list has done a thorough test in the past and have so far not found these to be not much more than a point source diffuser, and certainly not worth the money when a plain bounce card
can achieve a very similar effect.

One wonders if a thin sheet of white translucent materil attached with a rubber band in a similar mannter can achieve the same effect at almost zero


The thing only costs $20, so it is not as if I am out a lot of money buying it, I'm just really disappointed that he (Mr. Fong) is obviously putting out a product with little if any merit. I DO use the lightsphere with my 1Ds and 580EX and really, really like the results. He is constantly coming out with different "domes" for the sphere which I have found to be of no value, and now this "Puffer" for pop up flash that does nothing. The Puffer before and after shots are very obviously tampered with, and I just don't feel that a man as rich as Mr. Fong already is should have to stoop to such practices.


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