
I am trying to update the libzrtpcpp library from EPEL and bring it to the same version as the one used now in Fedora ( i.e. 2.3.4). The library itself gets compiled in mock just fine; however the demo apps which are included in the tarball ( libzrtpcpp-2.3.4/demo/zrtptest.cpp) and normally get compiled but not included in the final rpm fail to build as shown at http://kojipkgs.fedoraproject.org//work/tasks/8897/5678897/build.log Exactly the same source, without any modification at all, can be built in Fedora ( for instance http://kojipkgs.fedoraproject.org/packages/libzrtpcpp/2.3.4/1.fc17/data/logs/x86_64/build.log ) without any problems. An ugly approach that I tried on my local test workstation (and which worked) was to disable the compilation of the said demo applications . I would prefer to not do that but unfortunately my C++ skills are extremely rusty and despite trying for almost 2 days, I fail to see what changes are needed in the code.

Can anyone please spare some time and help me patch these demo applications ?

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