Compose started at Thu Jan 23 08:15:03 UTC 2014

Broken deps for x86_64
        ansible-1.4.3-1.el7.noarch requires python-httplib2
        bodhi-server-0.9.7-1.el7.noarch requires python-simplemediawiki
        1:centerim-4.22.10-14.el7.x86_64 requires perl(Time::ParseDate)
        docker-io-0.7.6-4.el7.x86_64 requires lxc
        globus-gram-job-manager-pbs-1.6-7.el7.x86_64 requires torque-client
        globus-gram-job-manager-sge-1.7-2.el7.x86_64 requires gridengine
        imapsync-1.580-1.el7.noarch requires perl(Data::Uniqid)
        imapsync-1.580-1.el7.noarch requires perl(Authen::NTLM)
        koji-vm-1.8.0-2.el7.noarch requires python-virtinst
        perl-Test-WWW-Selenium-1.36-1.el7.noarch requires 
        puppet-3.4.2-2.el7.noarch requires hiera >= 0:1.0.0
        python-sphinxcontrib-httpdomain-1.1.8-3.el7.noarch requires 
        ruby-shadow-1.4.1-19.el7.x86_64 requires ruby(abi) = 0:1.8
        snmptt-1.4-0.9.beta2.el7.noarch requires perl-Net-SNMP
        snmptt-1.4-0.9.beta2.el7.noarch requires perl(Config::IniFiles)
        spectrwm-2.4.0-2.el7.x86_64 requires xlockmore
        spectrwm-2.4.0-2.el7.x86_64 requires dmenu
        wxGTK-devel-2.8.12-8.el7.x86_64 requires bakefile

Broken deps for ppc64
        TurboGears-1.1.3-8.el7.noarch requires python-simplejson >= 0:1.9.1
        ansible-1.4.3-1.el7.noarch requires python-httplib2
        bodhi-client-0.9.7-1.el7.noarch requires python-simplejson
        bodhi-server-0.9.7-1.el7.noarch requires python-simplemediawiki
        1:centerim-4.22.10-14.el7.ppc64 requires perl(Time::ParseDate)
        fedmsg-0.7.2-1.el7.noarch requires python-simplejson
        fedmsg-0.7.2-1.el7.noarch requires python-requests
        globus-gram-job-manager-pbs-1.6-7.el7.ppc64 requires torque-client
        globus-gram-job-manager-sge-1.7-2.el7.ppc64 requires gridengine
        imapsync-1.580-1.el7.noarch requires perl(Data::Uniqid)
        imapsync-1.580-1.el7.noarch requires perl(Authen::NTLM)
        koji-vm-1.8.0-2.el7.noarch requires python-virtinst
        perl-Test-WWW-Selenium-1.36-1.el7.noarch requires 
        puppet-3.4.2-2.el7.noarch requires hiera >= 0:1.0.0
        python-django-1.5.4-2.el7.noarch requires python-simplejson
        python-fedora-0.3.33-1.el7.noarch requires python-simplejson
        python-fedora-0.3.33-1.el7.noarch requires python-requests
        python-requests-kerberos-0.3-2.el7.noarch requires python-requests >= 
        python-sphinxcontrib-httpdomain-1.1.8-3.el7.noarch requires 
        python-toscawidgets-0.9.12-4.el7.noarch requires python-simplejson
        python-turboflot-0.7.0-4.el7.noarch requires python-simplejson
        python-turbojson-1.3.2-5.el7.noarch requires python-simplejson >= 
        python-tw2-core-2.1.5-4.el7.noarch requires python-simplejson >= 0:2.0
        python-webflash-0.1-0.8.a9.el7.noarch requires python-simplejson
        ruby-shadow-1.4.1-19.el7.ppc64 requires ruby(abi) = 0:1.8
        skeinforge-12.03.14-16.el7.noarch requires pypy
        snmptt-1.4-0.9.beta2.el7.noarch requires perl-Net-SNMP
        snmptt-1.4-0.9.beta2.el7.noarch requires perl(Config::IniFiles)
        spectrwm-2.4.0-2.el7.ppc64 requires xlockmore
        spectrwm-2.4.0-2.el7.ppc64 requires dmenu
        wxGTK-devel-2.8.12-8.el7.ppc64 requires bakefile

New package: CGSI-gSOAP-1.3.5-7.el7
             GSI plugin for gSOAP

New package: HepMC-2.06.09-5.el7
             C++ Event Record for Monte Carlo Generators

New package: apcupsd-3.14.10-13.el7
             APC UPS Power Control Daemon for Linux

New package: bdii-5.2.22-1.el7
             The Berkeley Database Information Index (BDII)

New package: canl-c++-1.0.1-1.el7
             EMI Common Authentication library - bindings for C++

New package: dcap-2.47.8-1.el7
             Client Tools for dCache

New package: docker-io-0.7.6-4.el7
             Automates deployment of containerized applications

New package: gccxml-0.9.0-0.19.20131209.git9a114c0c.el7
             XML output extension to GCC

New package: glue-schema-2.0.10-2.el7
             LDAP schema files for the GLUE 1.3 and GLUE 2.0 Schema

New package: gsoap-2.8.16-2.el7
             Generator Tools for Coding SOAP/XML Web Services in C and C++

New package: lfcbase-1.5.8-1.el7
             Lemke Foundation Classes

New package: ntfs-3g-2013.1.13-5.el7
             Linux NTFS userspace driver

New package: perl-Data-Section-Simple-0.05-1.el7
             Read data from __DATA__

New package: perl-DateTime-Calendar-Mayan-0.0601-13.el7
             Mayan Long Count Calendar

New package: perl-Declare-Constraints-Simple-0.03-18.el7
             Declarative Validation of Data Structures

New package: perl-Devel-GlobalDestruction-0.12-1.el7
             Expose PL_dirty, the flag that marks global destruction

New package: perl-Env-Sanctify-1.10-1.el7
             Lexically scoped sanctification of %ENV

New package: perl-Eval-Closure-0.08-4.el7
             Safely and cleanly create closures via string eval

New package: perl-JSON-XS-3.01-1.el7
             JSON serializing/deserializing, done correctly and fast

New package: perl-Module-Info-0.35-2.el7
             Information about Perl modules

New package: perl-Module-Refresh-0.17-6.el7
             Refresh %INC files when updated on disk

New package: perl-Params-Coerce-0.14-15.el7
             Allows your classes to do coercion of parameters

New package: perl-Path-Class-0.33-1.el7
             Cross-platform path specification manipulation

New package: perl-Perl-Destruct-Level-0.02-5.el7
             Allows you to change perl's internal destruction level

New package: perl-Pod-Tests-1.19-12.el7
             Extract embedded tests and code examples from POD

New package: perl-SUPER-1.20120705-3.el7
             Sane superclass method dispatcher

New package: perl-TeX-Hyphen-1.01-1.el7
             Hyphenate words using TeX's patterns

New package: perl-Test-CheckDeps-0.010-1.el7
             Check for presence of dependencies

New package: perl-Test-LeakTrace-0.14-5.el7
             Trace memory leaks

New package: perl-Test-Valgrind-1.14-1.el7
             Generate suppressions, analyze and test any command with valgrind

New package: perl-Test-use-ok-0.11-2.el7
             Alternative to Test::More::use_ok

New package: perl-Text-Autoformat-1.669004-1.el7
             Automatic text wrapping and reformatting

New package: perl-Text-Reform-1.20-9.el7
             Manual text wrapping and reformatting

New package: perl-Types-Serialiser-1.0-1.el7
             Simple data types for common serialization formats

New package: perl-common-sense-3.6-4.el7
             "Common sense" Perl defaults

New package: python-eyed3-0.7.4-1.el7
             Python audio data toolkit (ID3 and MP3)

New package: python-paramiko-1.11.3-1.el7
             SSH2 protocol library for python

New package: python-xlib-0.15-0.8.rc1.el7
             X client library for Python

New package: ssdeep-2.10-2.el7
             Compute context triggered piecewise hashes

New package: voms-2.0.11-2.el7
             Virtual Organization Membership Service

New package: voms-mysql-plugin-3.1.6-5.el7
             VOMS server plugin for MySQL

New package: xrootd-3.3.5-1.el7
             Extended ROOT file server

Updated Packages:

* Wed Jan 22 2014 Leigh Scott <> - 2.0.14-10
- use autosetup for prep
- trim spec file changelog

* Wed Jan 22 2014 Remi Collet <> - 0.84.4-1
- update to 0.84.4

* Wed Jan 22 2014 Remi Collet <> - 5.4.16-2
- drop interbase patch

* Wed Jan 22 2014 Remi Collet <> - 2.17.1-1
- Update to 2.17.1

* Thu Jan 23 2014 Remi Collet <> - 1.1.1-1
- Update to 1.1.1

Added Packages: 42
Removed Packages: 0
Modified Packages: 5
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