On 15 January 2015 at 08:40, Bohuslav Kabrda <bkab...@redhat.com> wrote:

> Thank you for circling back on this. I was going to try and contact you
> today about python26 which is orphaned in EPEL-5 and was going to see if we
> could use the same logic for making a python27 tree for EL5 and EL6?
> Yeah, theoretically we can do that, although I'm not very keen on the idea
> of maintaining yet another build of Python ;) certainly not for EPEL5...
> Note, that one important thing to decide here what the dist-git solution
> will be. The EPEL5 python26 solution basically created new repos for all
> packages, called python26-*. That's viable for python27, since there's no
> python28 coming, but it's not a good solution for python3X. That's why I'd
> probably rather apply the same approach that we'll take for python3X in
> EPEL7 (whichever that will be).
> Also, I'm starting to think about the technical solution (read: RPM
> macros) to multiple Pythons, since I really don't like the python26
> solution from EPEL5. I'll put my solution in a proposal next week, so that
> everyone can comment on that, too.
> Thanks,
> Slavek
> So here's a new part of the proposal that deals with specfiles/macros and
> how that all will work with imports from Fedora etc:
> https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/User:Bkabrda/EPEL7_Python3#Specfiles.2C_Macros.2C_Packaging_Process
> Something similar should be usable in EPEL 6 for python27, but I realized
> that situation is a bit different, since python27 is never going to be
> replaced by python28, so there's no need to consider two 2X stacks. I have
> to admit that I have very little interest (and time!) for python27 in EPEL
> 6, so I'll leave that proposal to someone else.
> As usual, all comments are appreciated!
I am very interested in python27 for EPEL5 and EPEL6 so will try to work on
those parts. While I don't expect a 28.. I will assume that someday someone
will make one even if it is Guido on April 1 2020.

> Thanks,
> Slavek
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