On Thu, 23 Apr 2015 09:25:32 -0600
Stephen John Smoogen <smo...@gmail.com> wrote:

> 1. New Meeting Time?

I'm pretty flexable. Perhaps someone could do a whenisgood? 

> 2. New EPEL chair?

As I am sure smooge will attest, this is kind of a high burnout thing
doing all the meetings and such. So, I'd like to propose we do what we
did with FESCo a while back: rotate the chair every week. Each week a
different person is responsible for gathering the agenda, running the
meeting, making sure tickets are closed, etc. 


> 3. Items to be worked on?

There's still work pending on the python3 stuff. I will try and do my
part later today or this weekend (make a epel-rpm-macros package). 

Aside that not sure whats cooking. Perhaps have meeting keywords on
tickets people want to discuss. 


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