The following packages are orphaned and will be retired when they
are orphaned for six weeks, unless someone adopts them. If you know for sure
that the package should be retired, please do so now with a proper reason:

Note: If you received this mail directly you (co)maintain one of the affected
packages or a package that depends on one. Please adopt the affected package or
retire your depending package to avoid broken dependencies, otherwise your
package will be retired when the affected package gets retired.

         Package                    (co)maintainers           Status Change 
SDL_gfx                      orphan, thias                    0 weeks ago   
advancecomp                  orphan, thias                    0 weeks ago   
autodir                      orphan, thias                    0 weeks ago   
bbkeys                       orphan, thias                    0 weeks ago   
blackbox                     orphan, thias                    0 weeks ago   
boa                          orphan, thias                    0 weeks ago   
camE                         orphan, thias                    0 weeks ago   
csmash                       orphan, thias                    0 weeks ago   
cvs2svn                      orphan, mjakubicek               0 weeks ago   
d4x                          orphan, thias                    0 weeks ago   
dclib                        orphan, mjakubicek               0 weeks ago   
directfb                     orphan, thias                    0 weeks ago   
eclipse-phpeclipse           orphan                           4 weeks ago   
elisa                        orphan, thias                    0 weeks ago   
gcombust                     orphan, thias                    0 weeks ago   
gentoo                       orphan, thias                    0 weeks ago   
giblib                       orphan, thias                    0 weeks ago   
gkrellm-aclock               orphan, thias                    0 weeks ago   
gkrellm-moon                 orphan, thias                    0 weeks ago   
gkrellm-sun                  orphan, thias                    0 weeks ago   
gtweakui                     orphan, thias                    0 weeks ago   
hackedbox                    orphan, thias                    0 weeks ago   
i8kutils                     orphan, thias                    0 weeks ago   
ipw2100-firmware             orphan, thias                    0 weeks ago   
ipw2200-firmware             orphan, thias                    0 weeks ago   
jna                          orphan, lfarkas, walters         17 weeks ago  
kannel                       orphan, linuxthomass, thias      0 weeks ago   
lmarbles                     orphan, thias                    0 weeks ago   
mdsplib                      orphan, thias                    0 weeks ago   
metakit                      orphan, thias                    0 weeks ago   
openvpn-auth-ldap            orphan, thias                    0 weeks ago   
osslsigncode                 orphan, thias                    0 weeks ago   
oxine                        orphan, thias                    0 weeks ago   
perl-Algorithm-FastPermute   orphan, mjakubicek               0 weeks ago   
perl-libintl                 orphan, perl-sig, rjones,        0 weeks ago   
php-eaccelerator             orphan, thias                    0 weeks ago   
php-mmcache                  orphan, thias                    0 weeks ago   
php-pecl-mailparse           orphan, remi, thias              0 weeks ago   
pigment                      orphan, thias                    0 weeks ago   
pigment-python               orphan, thias                    0 weeks ago   
postgrey                     orphan, thias                    0 weeks ago   
powermanga                   orphan, thias                    0 weeks ago   
prototype                    orphan                           2 weeks ago   
python-Coherence             orphan, thias                    0 weeks ago   
python-lirc                  orphan, thias                    0 weeks ago   
python-louie                 orphan, thias                    0 weeks ago   
python-matplotlib            orphan, jspaleta                 3 weeks ago   
python-metar                 orphan, thias                    0 weeks ago   
python-nevow                 orphan, thias                    0 weeks ago   
python-ogg                   orphan, thias                    0 weeks ago   
python-tag                   orphan, thias                    0 weeks ago   
python-twill                 orphan, thias                    0 weeks ago   
python-twisted-web2          orphan, thias                    0 weeks ago   
python-vorbis                orphan, thias                    0 weeks ago   
re2c                         orphan, thias                    0 weeks ago   
ruby-gnome2                  orphan, thias                    0 weeks ago   
rubygem-bacon                orphan, bkabrda, stevetraylen    13 weeks ago  
rubygem-minitest             orphan, skottler, stahnma        4 weeks ago   
scipy                        orphan, jspaleta, mmahut,        3 weeks ago   
                             orion, ttomecek                                
scriptaculous                orphan                           2 weeks ago   
spampd                       orphan, thias                    0 weeks ago   
spawn-fcgi                   orphan, thias                    0 weeks ago   
sshmenu                      orphan, thias                    0 weeks ago   
starfighter                  orphan, thias                    0 weeks ago   
suitesparse                  orphan, davidcl, mjakubicek,     0 weeks ago   
synergy                      orphan, opuk, thias              0 weeks ago   
synergy-plus                 orphan, thias                    0 weeks ago   
thttpd                       orphan, thias                    0 weeks ago   
tinymce                      orphan, ngompa, rhe              2 weeks ago   
torcs                        orphan, thias                    0 weeks ago   
torcs-data                   orphan, thias                    0 weeks ago   
valknut                      orphan, mjakubicek               0 weeks ago   
viruskiller                  orphan, thias                    0 weeks ago   
wxsvg                        orphan, thias                    0 weeks ago   
xar                          orphan, thias                    0 weeks ago   
xmms-acme                    orphan, thias                    0 weeks ago   
xmms-arts                    orphan, thias                    0 weeks ago   
xmms-crossfade               orphan, thias                    0 weeks ago   
xmms-flac                    orphan, thias                    0 weeks ago   
xmms-lirc                    orphan, thias                    0 weeks ago   
xmms-musepack                orphan, thias                    0 weeks ago   
xmms-skins                   orphan, thias                    0 weeks ago   
xmms-speex                   orphan, thias                    0 weeks ago   
xvattr                       orphan, thias                    0 weeks ago   
zziplib                      orphan, thias                    0 weeks ago   

The following packages require above mentioned packages:
Depending on: jna (2), status change: 2015-06-03 (17 weeks ago)
        gstreamer-java (maintained by: lfarkas)
                gstreamer-java-1.5-1.el5.src requires jna = 3.4.0-4.el5, 
jna-contrib = 3.4.0-4.el5
                gstreamer-java-1.5-1.el5.x86_64 requires jna = 3.4.0-4.el5
                gstreamer-java-swt-1.5-1.el5.x86_64 requires jna-contrib = 

        java-dirq (maintained by: mpaladin, stevetraylen)
                java-dirq-1.4-1.el5.noarch requires jna = 3.4.0-4.el5
                java-dirq-1.4-1.el5.src requires jna = 3.4.0-4.el5

Depending on: perl-libintl (4), status change: 2015-09-30 (0 weeks ago)
        hivex (maintained by: rjones, mdbooth)
                hivex-1.3.5-6.el5.src requires perl-libintl = 1.16-9.el5

        libguestfs (maintained by: rjones, agk, group::virtmaint-sig, mdbooth, 
                libguestfs-1.20.8-1.el5.src requires perl-libintl = 1.16-9.el5
                libguestfs-tools-1.20.8-1.el5.x86_64 requires 
perl(Locale::TextDomain) = 1.16
                perl-Sys-Guestfs-1.20.8-1.el5.x86_64 requires 
perl(Locale::TextDomain) = 1.16

        pgp-tools (maintained by: s4504kr)
                pgp-tools-1.1.4-1.el5.x86_64 requires perl(Locale::Recode)

        xls2csv (maintained by: hubbitus, fale)
                xls2csv-1.06-5.el5.noarch requires perl(Locale::Recode)
                xls2csv-1.06-5.el5.src requires perl(Locale::Recode)

Depending on: python-matplotlib (8), status change: 2015-09-09 (3 weeks ago)
        gdl (maintained by: orion)
                gdl-0.9-0.pre6.el5.src requires python-matplotlib =

        pondus (maintained by: jussilehtola)
                pondus-0.7.3-1.el5.noarch requires python-matplotlib =

        python-ase (maintained by: marcindulak, besser82)
                python-ase- requires python-matplotlib =

        python-basemap (maintained by: limb, jspaleta)
                python-basemap-0.99.4-6.el5.x86_64 requires python-matplotlib =

        python-nltk (maintained by: cheeselee, salimma)
                python-nltk-0.9.9-2.el5.noarch requires python-matplotlib =

        rootplot (maintained by: stevetraylen)
                rootplot-2.2.1-3.el5.noarch requires python-matplotlib =

        seekwatcher (maintained by: sandeen)
                seekwatcher-0.12-1.el5.noarch requires python-matplotlib =

        python-basemap-data (maintained by: limb, jspaleta)
                python-basemap-data-0.99.4-1.el5.noarch requires python-basemap 
= 0.99.4-6.el5
                python-basemap-examples-0.99.4-1.el5.noarch requires 
python-basemap = 0.99.4-6.el5

Depending on: rubygem-bacon (1), status change: 2015-07-02 (13 weeks ago)
        rubygem-facon (maintained by: stahnma)
                rubygem-facon-0.4.1-2.el5.noarch requires rubygem(bacon) = 1.1.0
                rubygem-facon-0.4.1-2.el5.src requires rubygem(bacon) = 1.1.0

Depending on: rubygem-minitest (13), status change: 2015-08-31 (4 weeks ago)
        remctl (maintained by: sxw, abo, ktdreyer)
                remctl-3.9-2.el5.src requires rubygem(minitest) = 1.6.0

        rubygem-ZenTest (maintained by: stahnma, bkearney)
                rubygem-ZenTest-4.3.3-1.el5.src requires rubygem(minitest) = 

        rubygem-gem2rpm (maintained by: vondruch, jstribny, stahnma)
                rubygem-gem2rpm-0.10.1-1.el5.src requires rubygem(minitest) = 

        rubygem-hoe (maintained by: kanarip, stahnma)
                rubygem-hoe-2.5.0-2.el5.noarch requires rubygem(minitest) = 

        rubygem-ruby_parser (maintained by: stahnma)
                rubygem-ruby_parser-2.0.4-3.el5.src requires rubygem(minitest) 
= 1.6.0

        rubygem-sexp_processor (maintained by: stahnma)
                rubygem-sexp_processor-3.0.4-1.el5.src requires 
rubygem(minitest) = 1.6.0

        rubygem-activeldap (maintained by: mtasaka, stahnma)
                rubygem-activeldap-1.0.9-1.el5.noarch requires rubygem(hoe) = 

        rubygem-ditz (maintained by: hpejakle)
                rubygem-ditz-0.5-5.el5.src requires rubygem(hoe) = 2.5.0

        rubygem-mime-types (maintained by: stahnma)
                rubygem-mime-types-1.16-3.el5.src requires rubygem(hoe) = 2.5.0

        rubygem-nokogiri (maintained by: tremble, tdawson)
                rubygem-nokogiri-1.3.1-1.el5.src requires rubygem(hoe) = 2.5.0

        rubygem-trollop (maintained by: hpejakle)
                rubygem-trollop-1.16.2-1.el5.src requires rubygem(hoe) = 2.5.0

        rubygem-rest-client (maintained by: orphan)
                rubygem-rest-client-1.6.1-2.el5.noarch requires 
rubygem(mime-types) = 1.16

        rubygem-gherkin (maintained by: mfojtik, jstribny)
                rubygem-gherkin-2.2.4-3.el5.x86_64 requires rubygem(trollop) = 

Depending on: spawn-fcgi (3), status change: 2015-09-30 (0 weeks ago)
        cherokee (maintained by: pali)
                cherokee-1.2.103-6.el5.i386 requires spawn-fcgi = 1.6.3-1.el5
                cherokee-1.2.103-6.el5.x86_64 requires spawn-fcgi = 1.6.3-1.el5

        lighttpd (maintained by: limb, avij)
                lighttpd-fastcgi-1.4.36-1.el5.x86_64 requires spawn-fcgi = 

        munin (maintained by: fenris02, ingvar, ixs)
                munin-nginx-2.0.25-2.el5.noarch requires spawn-fcgi = 

Depending on: suitesparse (8), status change: 2015-09-30 (0 weeks ago)
        octave (maintained by: jussilehtola, fkluknav, mmahut)
                octave-3.0.5-1.el5.i386 requires,,,,,,
                octave-3.0.5-1.el5.src requires suitesparse-devel = 3.1.0-1.el5
                octave-3.0.5-1.el5.x86_64 requires,,,,,,

        GMT (maintained by: orion, pertusus)
                GMT-octave-4.5.6-1.el5.x86_64 requires,,, octave(api) = api-v32

        mathgl (maintained by: mycae)
                mathgl-1.9-8.el5.i386 requires octave(api) = api-v32
                mathgl-1.9-8.el5.x86_64 requires octave(api) = api-v32

        NLopt (maintained by: besser82, ml-sig)
                octave-NLopt-2.4.2-2.el5.x86_64 requires,,, octave = 6:3.0.5-1.el5, 
octave(api) = api-v32

        lhapdf (maintained by: ellert)
                octave-lhapdf-5.9.1-9.el5.x86_64 requires,,, octave = 6:3.0.5-1.el5, 
octave(api) = api-v32

        toped (maintained by: chitlesh)
                toped- requires /usr/bin/octave
                toped- requires /usr/bin/octave

        pythia8 (maintained by: ellert)
                pythia8-8.1.86-1.el5.i386 requires
                pythia8-8.1.86-1.el5.x86_64 requires

        root (maintained by: ellert, stevetraylen)
                root-montecarlo-pythia8-5.34.32-1.el5.x86_64 requires

Affected (co)maintainers
abo: rubygem-minitest
agk: perl-libintl
avij: spawn-fcgi
besser82: python-matplotlib, suitesparse
bkabrda: rubygem-bacon
bkearney: rubygem-minitest
cheeselee: python-matplotlib
chitlesh: suitesparse
davidcl: suitesparse
ellert: suitesparse
fale: perl-libintl
fenris02: spawn-fcgi
fkluknav: suitesparse
group::virtmaint-sig: perl-libintl
hpejakle: rubygem-minitest
hubbitus: perl-libintl
ingvar: spawn-fcgi
ixs: spawn-fcgi
jspaleta: python-matplotlib, scipy
jstribny: rubygem-minitest
jussilehtola: python-matplotlib, suitesparse
kanarip: rubygem-minitest
ktdreyer: rubygem-minitest
lfarkas: jna
limb: spawn-fcgi, python-matplotlib
linuxthomass: kannel
marcindulak: python-matplotlib
mdbooth: perl-libintl
mfojtik: rubygem-minitest
mjakubicek: dclib, perl-Algorithm-FastPermute, cvs2svn, valknut, suitesparse
ml-sig: suitesparse
mmahut: scipy, suitesparse
mpaladin: jna
mtasaka: rubygem-minitest
mycae: suitesparse
ngompa: tinymce
opuk: synergy
orion: python-matplotlib, scipy, suitesparse
pali: spawn-fcgi
perl-sig: perl-libintl
pertusus: suitesparse
ptoscano: perl-libintl
remi: php-pecl-mailparse
rhe: tinymce
rjones: perl-libintl
s4504kr: perl-libintl
salimma: python-matplotlib
sandeen: python-matplotlib
skottler: rubygem-minitest
stahnma: rubygem-bacon, rubygem-minitest
stevetraylen: rubygem-bacon, suitesparse, jna, python-matplotlib
sxw: rubygem-minitest
tdawson: rubygem-minitest
thias: viruskiller, xvattr, osslsigncode, ipw2200-firmware, spawn-fcgi, 
gcombust, xmms-speex, python-Coherence, gkrellm-moon, ipw2100-firmware, 
python-twisted-web2, xmms-skins, xmms-musepack, php-eaccelerator, oxine, 
hackedbox, elisa, php-pecl-mailparse, gtweakui, zziplib, starfighter, 
perl-libintl, xar, wxsvg, giblib, bbkeys, csmash, php-mmcache, xmms-acme, d4x, 
gkrellm-sun, thttpd, python-metar, torcs-data, torcs, powermanga, 
pigment-python, directfb, blackbox, python-ogg, gentoo, ruby-gnome2, xmms-arts, 
openvpn-auth-ldap, pigment, advancecomp, autodir, python-twill, python-vorbis, 
xmms-crossfade, mdsplib, metakit, postgrey, SDL_gfx, camE, synergy-plus, 
synergy, gkrellm-aclock, re2c, kannel, python-nevow, i8kutils, python-tag, 
python-louie, sshmenu, python-lirc, xmms-flac, lmarbles, spampd, boa, xmms-lirc
tremble: rubygem-minitest
ttomecek: scipy, suitesparse
vondruch: rubygem-minitest
walters: jna

Orphans (85): SDL_gfx advancecomp autodir bbkeys blackbox boa camE
    csmash cvs2svn d4x dclib directfb eclipse-phpeclipse elisa
    gcombust gentoo giblib gkrellm-aclock gkrellm-moon gkrellm-sun
    gtweakui hackedbox i8kutils ipw2100-firmware ipw2200-firmware jna
    kannel lmarbles mdsplib metakit openvpn-auth-ldap osslsigncode
    oxine perl-Algorithm-FastPermute perl-libintl php-eaccelerator
    php-mmcache php-pecl-mailparse pigment pigment-python postgrey
    powermanga prototype python-Coherence python-lirc python-louie
    python-matplotlib python-metar python-nevow python-ogg python-tag
    python-twill python-twisted-web2 python-vorbis re2c ruby-gnome2
    rubygem-bacon rubygem-minitest scipy scriptaculous spampd
    spawn-fcgi sshmenu starfighter suitesparse synergy synergy-plus
    thttpd tinymce torcs torcs-data valknut viruskiller wxsvg xar
    xmms-acme xmms-arts xmms-crossfade xmms-flac xmms-lirc
    xmms-musepack xmms-skins xmms-speex xvattr zziplib

Orphans (dependend on) (7): jna perl-libintl python-matplotlib
    rubygem-bacon rubygem-minitest spawn-fcgi suitesparse

Orphans (epel5) for at least 6 weeks (dependend on) (2): jna

Orphans  (epel5)(not depended on) (78): SDL_gfx advancecomp autodir
    bbkeys blackbox boa camE csmash cvs2svn d4x dclib directfb
    eclipse-phpeclipse elisa gcombust gentoo giblib gkrellm-aclock
    gkrellm-moon gkrellm-sun gtweakui hackedbox i8kutils
    ipw2100-firmware ipw2200-firmware kannel lmarbles mdsplib metakit
    openvpn-auth-ldap osslsigncode oxine perl-Algorithm-FastPermute
    php-eaccelerator php-mmcache php-pecl-mailparse pigment
    pigment-python postgrey powermanga prototype python-Coherence
    python-lirc python-louie python-metar python-nevow python-ogg
    python-tag python-twill python-twisted-web2 python-vorbis re2c
    ruby-gnome2 scipy scriptaculous spampd sshmenu starfighter synergy
    synergy-plus thttpd tinymce torcs torcs-data valknut viruskiller
    wxsvg xar xmms-acme xmms-arts xmms-crossfade xmms-flac xmms-lirc
    xmms-musepack xmms-skins xmms-speex xvattr zziplib

Orphans (epel5) for at least 6 weeks (not dependend on) (0):

Depending packages (epel5) (39): GMT NLopt cherokee gdl gstreamer-java
    hivex java-dirq lhapdf libguestfs lighttpd mathgl munin octave
    pgp-tools pondus pythia8 python-ase python-basemap
    python-basemap-data python-nltk remctl root rootplot
    rubygem-ZenTest rubygem-activeldap rubygem-ditz rubygem-facon
    rubygem-gem2rpm rubygem-gherkin rubygem-hoe rubygem-mime-types
    rubygem-nokogiri rubygem-rest-client rubygem-ruby_parser
    rubygem-sexp_processor rubygem-trollop seekwatcher toped xls2csv

Packages depending on packages orphaned (epel5) for more than 6 weeks
    (3): gstreamer-java java-dirq rubygem-facon

Not found in repo (epel5) (51): advancecomp bbkeys blackbox boa camE
    csmash eclipse-phpeclipse elisa gcombust gentoo giblib
    gkrellm-aclock gkrellm-moon gkrellm-sun gtweakui hackedbox
    i8kutils ipw2100-firmware ipw2200-firmware lmarbles metakit oxine
    php-mmcache pigment-python powermanga python-lirc python-ogg
    python-tag python-twill python-twisted-web2 python-vorbis
    ruby-gnome2 spampd sshmenu starfighter synergy-plus tinymce torcs
    torcs-data valknut viruskiller wxsvg xmms-acme xmms-arts
    xmms-crossfade xmms-flac xmms-lirc xmms-musepack xmms-skins
    xmms-speex xvattr

The script creating this output is run and developed by Fedora
Release Engineering. Please report issues at its trac instance:
The sources of this script can be found at:
epel-devel mailing list

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