I'm not going to quote and reply to paritcular parts here, just the
post as a whole. ;) 

I don't agree that we need to embrace SCL's at any cost to still
provide add on packages to RHEL.

I agree that EPEL may have different needs from SCL's than Fedora does,
but I disagree that the base rules are going to be any different. Both
Fedora and EPEL would need to know: 

* Can SCL's depend on other SCLs? 
* Where are the specs kept (SCL folks wanted to mix them into the base
  specs, but thats not going to work for epel as we don't have those
  base packages)
* Can you have more than 1 thing in a single SCL?
etc etc etc 

I'm sorry things didn't work out for SCL's in Fedora, it sounded like
they were actually getting close. Perhaps you can find some folks from
the SCL side interested in reviving things?


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