On 9 May 2016 at 08:29, Stephen John Smoogen <smo...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On 9 May 2016 at 02:38, Igor Gnatenko <ignate...@redhat.com> wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> Sorry for delay for writing this. We wanted to provide latest DNF
>> stack in EPEL7 which means we also need newer components like libsolv,
>> hawkey, librepo, etc.
>> Some of those are in RHEL7.2 and unfortunately it's not that easy to
>> get them updated:
>> - librepo
>> - libsolv
>> - hawkey
>> Probably some more, didn't remember. There are no ABI breakage with
>> those updates and actually only PackageKit (via libhif) depends on it.
>> So I would like to ask EPSCo to provide exception to override those
>> packages in EPEL7.
> 1. We have never given an exception before that I know of. [I think
> openstack asked for an exception but there was too much customer
> problems with it to make it possible. ]
> 2. You could have broken hundreds of thousands of computers (mainly
> because they have yum install in their cron jobs it looks like).
> Pushing and then asking for permission is not acceptable. It usually
> leads to the package set being removed and blacklisted from EPEL.
> 3. I understand the importance of this package set, and will try to
> work with you on this, but I am going to need a day to not be pissed.

OK feeling a lot less peeved. In any case, we haven't done over-rides
in the past because we have a 'no replacing Red Hat Enterprise Linux'
as a core tenant of the EPEL repository. The ways that we do this is
have these packages be parallel install-able packages versus
replacement packages.

Stephen J Smoogen.
epel-devel mailing list

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