The following packages are orphaned and will be retired when they
are orphaned for six weeks, unless someone adopts them. If you know for sure
that the package should be retired, please do so now with a proper reason:

Note: If you received this mail directly you (co)maintain one of the affected
packages or a package that depends on one. Please adopt the affected package or
retire your depending package to avoid broken dependencies, otherwise your
package will be retired when the affected package gets retired.

     Package                    (co)maintainers               Status Change 
and                 orphan, s4504kr                           4 weeks ago   
bashdb              orphan, roma                              15 weeks ago  
bcfg2               orphan, fab, solj, zultron                6 weeks ago   
bouncycastle-mail   orphan, s4504kr                           4 weeks ago   
dbmail              orphan, bjohnson                          9 weeks ago   
dwatch              orphan, bjohnson                          9 weeks ago   
js-jquery-migrate   orphan, group::nodejs-sig, jamielinux,    4 weeks ago   
libsieve            orphan, bjohnson                          9 weeks ago   
libupnp             orphan, cicku, mcepl                      26 weeks ago  
libzdb              orphan, bjohnson, cicku                   9 weeks ago   
netmonitor          orphan, fab                               6 weeks ago   
ola                 orphan, daveo                             14 weeks ago  
polipo              orphan, bjohnson                          9 weeks ago   
python-keyring      orphan, cicku, rtnpro                     26 weeks ago  
queuegraph          orphan, bjohnson                          9 weeks ago   
radiusclient-ng     orphan, nmav                              5 weeks ago   
rubygem-stomp       orphan, stevetraylen                      20 weeks ago  
snobol              orphan, s4504kr                           4 weeks ago   
sphinx              orphan, cdamian, gbcox, skottler          21 weeks ago  
suck                orphan, s4504kr                           4 weeks ago   
thttpd              orphan, fab                               6 weeks ago   
tmda                orphan, bjohnson                          9 weeks ago   

The following packages require above mentioned packages:
Depending on: libupnp (1), status change: 2016-02-26 (26 weeks ago)
        kf5-solid (maintained by: dvratil)
                kf5-solid-5.25.0-1.el7.src requires libupnp-devel = 1.6.19-2.el7

Depending on: python-keyring (2), status change: 2016-02-26 (26 weeks ago)
        bugwarrior (maintained by: ralph)
                bugwarrior-1.4.0-1.el7.noarch requires python-keyring = 
                bugwarrior-1.4.0-1.el7.src requires python-keyring = 5.0-1.el7

        python-wheel (maintained by: fschwarz, stardust85)
                python-wheel-0.24.0-2.el7.src requires python-keyring = 

Depending on: radiusclient-ng (6), status change: 2016-07-21 (5 weeks ago)
        nagios-plugins (maintained by: nb, kmf, mhayden, ondrejj, swilkerson)
                nagios-plugins-2.0.3-3.el7.src requires radiusclient-ng-devel = 
                nagios-plugins-radius-2.0.3-3.el7.x86_64 requires

        opensips (maintained by: peter, ivaxer)
                opensips-1.10.5-3.el7.src requires radiusclient-ng-devel = 
                opensips-aaa_radius-1.10.5-3.el7.x86_64 requires

        nagios-plugins-check-updates (maintained by: jpo)
                nagios-plugins-check-updates-1.6.16-1.el7.x86_64 requires 
nagios-plugins = 2.0.3-3.el7

        nagios-plugins-lcgdm (maintained by: aalvarez, andreamanzi)
                nagios-plugins-lcgdm-common-0.9.6-1.el7.x86_64 requires 
nagios-plugins(x86-64) = 2.0.3-3.el7, nrpe(x86-64) = 2.15-7.el7

        nrpe (maintained by: nb, jpo, kmf, mhayden, ondrejj, skottler, 
                nagios-plugins-nrpe-2.15-7.el7.x86_64 requires nagios-plugins = 

        nordugrid-arc-nagios-plugins (maintained by: ellert, jonkni)
                nordugrid-arc-nagios-plugins-1.8.4-3.el7.x86_64 requires 
nagios-plugins = 2.0.3-3.el7

Depending on: rubygem-stomp (1), status change: 2016-04-14 (20 weeks ago)
        mcollective (maintained by: maxamillion)
                mcollective-common-2.5.2-1.el7.noarch requires rubygem(stomp) = 

Depending on: sphinx (7), status change: 2016-04-04 (21 weeks ago)
        gnuradio (maintained by: jskarvad)
                gnuradio- requires sphinx = 2.1.5-2.el7

        php-pecl-sphinx (maintained by: remi)
                php-pecl-sphinx-1.3.2-1.el7.src requires libsphinxclient-devel 
= 2.1.5-2.el7
                php-pecl-sphinx-1.3.2-1.el7.x86_64 requires

        gqrx (maintained by: bressers, daveo, jskarvad)
                gqrx-2.3.2-4.el7.x86_64 requires,,,,,

        gr-fcdproplus (maintained by: jskarvad)
                gr-fcdproplus-0-0.7.20140920git1edbe523.el7.x86_64 requires,,

        gr-iqbal (maintained by: jskarvad)
                gr-iqbal-0.37.2-3.el7.x86_64 requires,

        gr-osmosdr (maintained by: jskarvad)
                gr-osmosdr-0.1.3-1.20141023git42c66fdd.el7.x86_64 requires,,,,

        gr-rds (maintained by: sharkcz, jskarvad)
                gr-rds-0-0.4.20141117gitff1ca15.el7.x86_64 requires,

Affected (co)maintainers
aalvarez: radiusclient-ng
andreamanzi: radiusclient-ng
bjohnson: tmda, dwatch, libsieve, dbmail, polipo, libzdb, queuegraph
bressers: sphinx
cdamian: sphinx
cicku: libupnp, python-keyring, libzdb
daveo: ola, sphinx
dvratil: libupnp
ellert: radiusclient-ng
fab: netmonitor, bcfg2, thttpd
fschwarz: python-keyring
gbcox: sphinx
group::nodejs-sig: js-jquery-migrate
ivaxer: radiusclient-ng
jamielinux: js-jquery-migrate
jonkni: radiusclient-ng
jpo: radiusclient-ng
jskarvad: sphinx
kmf: radiusclient-ng
maxamillion: rubygem-stomp
mcepl: libupnp
mhayden: radiusclient-ng
nb: radiusclient-ng
nmav: radiusclient-ng
ondrejj: radiusclient-ng
patches: js-jquery-migrate
peter: radiusclient-ng
ralph: python-keyring
remi: sphinx
roma: bashdb
rtnpro: python-keyring
s4504kr: and, bouncycastle-mail, suck, snobol
sharkcz: sphinx
skottler: radiusclient-ng, sphinx
solj: bcfg2
stardust85: python-keyring
stevetraylen: rubygem-stomp
swilkerson: radiusclient-ng
zultron: bcfg2

Orphans (22): and bashdb bcfg2 bouncycastle-mail dbmail dwatch
    js-jquery-migrate libsieve libupnp libzdb netmonitor ola polipo
    python-keyring queuegraph radiusclient-ng rubygem-stomp snobol
    sphinx suck thttpd tmda

Orphans (dependend on) (5): libupnp python-keyring radiusclient-ng
    rubygem-stomp sphinx

Orphans (epel7) for at least 6 weeks (dependend on) (4): libupnp
    python-keyring rubygem-stomp sphinx

Orphans  (epel7)(not depended on) (17): and bashdb bcfg2
    bouncycastle-mail dbmail dwatch js-jquery-migrate libsieve libzdb
    netmonitor ola polipo queuegraph snobol suck thttpd tmda

Orphans (epel7) for at least 6 weeks (not dependend on) (12): bashdb
    bcfg2 dbmail dwatch libsieve libzdb netmonitor ola polipo
    queuegraph thttpd tmda

Depending packages (epel7) (17): bugwarrior gnuradio gqrx
    gr-fcdproplus gr-iqbal gr-osmosdr gr-rds kf5-solid mcollective
    nagios-plugins nagios-plugins-check-updates nagios-plugins-lcgdm
    nordugrid-arc-nagios-plugins nrpe opensips php-pecl-sphinx

Packages depending on packages orphaned (epel7) for more than 6 weeks
    (11): bugwarrior gnuradio gqrx gr-fcdproplus gr-iqbal gr-osmosdr
    gr-rds kf5-solid mcollective php-pecl-sphinx python-wheel

Not found in repo (epel7) (7): dwatch js-jquery-migrate netmonitor
    polipo queuegraph thttpd tmda

The script creating this output is run and developed by Fedora
Release Engineering. Please report issues at its trac instance:
The sources of this script can be found at:
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