On Wed, Sep 14, 2016 at 3:51 AM, Dennis Gilmore <den...@ausil.us> wrote:
> On Tuesday, September 13, 2016 11:54:41 PM CDT Peter Robinson wrote:
>> >> I'm looking for some clarification on the naming requirements for
>> >> SRPMs.
>> >>
>> >> In the EPEL 7 in Python 3 Plan Draft [1], it specifies that SRPM names
>> >> can't conflict with RHEL SRPM names, but in the Limited Arch Packages
>> >> [2]section of EPEL: Packaging, it seems to imply the SRPM name would
>> >> be the same, but the release number would be pretended with "0.".
>> >>
>> >> Could someone please clarify?
>> >>
>> >> If, in fact, the name can be the same, it will make it much easier to
>> >> provide Python 3 packages for EPEL since a separate package would not
>> >> be required in the Fedora Package DB.
>> >
>> > So, here's the thing (at least as I understand it):
>> >
>> > koji operates on source packages.
>> >
>> > If there's a package in RHEL called 'foo' and also one in EPEL called
>> > 'foo' it will use the epel one in all cases for everything that foo
>> > makes.
>> Is that the case with external repos? I didn't think it was that smart
>> in that case, but I'm tired so might be mis-remembering.
> It 100% is the case. Koji treats external repos exactly the same as internal.
> it even taks special care to ensure that all binary rpms for a given srpm are
> included even if the binary rpms are spread acorss different external repos
>> > So, with the limited arch packages this means that _ALL_ things
>> > building in koji will use the epel package. The reason for the
>> > prepended 0 is so that users don't install the epel package and instead
>> > get the newer rhel version. The limited arch guideline also says you
>> > should try and keep the package as close as possible to the rhel
>> > version.
>> For el7, and even in some of the big (java*) use cases in el6 the
>> delta in packages between the arches is getting a lot less, and I
>> believe this will be more so as we move forward in el7.
> I honestly am not sure there is any limited arch packages in epel7

There most definitely are, at least in what is shipped, it depends on
the arch and is lessening/changing with each dot release and is much
less of a problem with el7 than earlier releases. The big one that
comes to mind in extras is golang/docker stack.
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