On 11/17/18 4:09 PM, Orion Poplawski wrote:

> I'm afraid I'm still very unfamiliar with modules, but it does seem like
> this will be very central to how we deliver packages to EPEL-8.  My
> initial questions are:

Yeah, I don't know them as well as I can, but can take a stab at
answering based on what I know. ;)

And yes, I agree modules will be key for epel8.
> - Can we "simply" extend the platform for current modules to cover
> RHEL-8?  That way one could for example deliver octave 4.4 for both
> Fedora and EPEL-8 at the same time.  The main issue that I see is
> preventing packages that already exist in RHEL-8 from making it in.

Yes, we hopefully can do that. However, they might need some adjustment
for epel8 differences.

The 'existing rhel8 packages' brings up a good point: Do we want to care
about that in epel8 modules? If we replace something thats in a module,
perhaps thats expected and ok, and just avoid replacing base packages?

> - How do we build against the RHEL-8 modules?  I see that RHEL-8 has two
> perl and two php module streams:
> perl  5.24       minimal, default
> perl  5.26 [d]   minimal, default [d]
> php   7.1        devel, minimal, default [d]
> php   7.2 [d]    devel, minimal, default [d]
> presumably if I want to builld say perl-Config-Simple for EPEL-8 we'll
> need/want to build it for both module streams?  How does one go about
> attaching that package to the RHEL-8 module?  Or will we need separate
> EPEL versions of the modules?

If you are building a non modular package, right now you cannot build
against modular packages at all. This is what the 'ursa-major' app that
releng/fesco are discussing enabling will allow for. Until thats setup,
non modular builds can't use any modules.

If you are building a modular package, you specify in the module yaml
file exactly what modules you are building against and what version.
> - Do we need to distinguish between EPEL packages that will be treated
> much like BaseOS packages in RHEL (very long lived and stable), and ones
> that are like the AppStream (shorter lifetimes)?  Do we just want to
> treat everything like AppStream packages?
> https://access.redhat.com/documentation/en-us/red_hat_enterprise_linux/8-beta/html/using_application_stream/using-appstream_using-appstream

I'd say everything like appstream.
> Some of what I wrote just might not make sense due to my limited
> understanding of modules.

I could also be wrong above, so hopefully if so someone will correct me.


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