On Wed, Dec 15, 2021 at 05:46:18PM +0100, Miroslav Suchý wrote:
> Dne 14. 12. 21 v 17:12 Matthew Miller napsal(a):
> > > > But it seems like "request an EPEL branch" should generally be either 
> > > > "Okay!
> > > > Doing that automatically now" or "Oh, this is in EL, sorry"*. What are 
> > > > the
> > > > other cases?
> > > As far as I know this isn't about requesting EPEL branches, as much as
> > > requesting any branches by hand. If I add something to Fedora rawhide
> > > and then ask for a F34 branch, the same issues can happen. Remember
> > > our build infrastructure is a pile of band-aids on top of duct tape on
> > > top of bungee cords. Lots of tools are written for a toolchain which
> > > existed years ago and have been hacked to make it work with whatever
> > > new initiative that comes into play. 'Unexpected' side effects and
> > > corner cases happen all the time and the fixing of them tends to add
> > > new ones.
> > Sure. But also, asking people to spend a lot of their time running
> > grunt-work tasks means that they have less time to fix when things break,
> > let alone re-engineer away some of that tech debt. It seems like we should
> > be able to automate the simple cases (adding F34 and F35 branches should be
> > even easier, since we don't have the "is it in EL?" question even).
> *nod*
> So ... the question is how can I help? Can you document the check-list? I 
> volunteer to start writing the script.

So, I suspect the epel-devel list isn't really the place to discuss this
(I would think devel list + direct engagement with releng folks). 

That said, fedscm-admin _does_ do a bunch of checks currently. 

For branch requests for existing packages it checks that the requestor
is a maintainer of that package and then just auto approves it. Those
requests could potentially be automated (we have talked about it in
releng land, but it's also a bit difficult due to all the perms you have
to have). 

For new packages it does a bunch of checks like 'is the reviewer in the
packager group', did the reviewer set 'fedora-review: +', are the
requested branches valid, etc, etc

I can't speak for the current folks doing the processing, but I did this
for 3-4 years a long time ago. When I did it I looked for a lot of
things it was hard to automate checks for, like "Did this review check
list a bunch of things, or just say 'ok, approved'". I would typically
look closely at those and find things that were missed. I also recall
several reviews that I blocked due to legal reasons where the reviewer
didn't understand things correctly. 

That said, the volume of new packages is pretty high these days so I
don't know how much extra scrutiny they are really getting. Perhaps it's
time to just completely automate it and have better ways to clean up if
something bad gets in. 


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